Humility-Arrogance IAT script

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Compared to the standard IAT, only target and attribute practice appear to be switched in their procedure. You should be able to make those minor changes to any existing IAT template after completing the various tutorials included in the Inquisit documentation and taking a little time to work through the script you are going to modify (hint: use the Self-Esteem IAT script as a basis).



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Hi there,

Anyone knows how to create the above-mentioned script? I tried working through the standard iat script by modifying certain parts, but it does not seem to be the exact sequence as the one used in previous research (Rowatt et al., 2006) as appended.

Table I.

Sequence of trial blocks in the humility–arrogance IAT.1


Block     No. of trials    Task function       Items assigned to left-key response      Items assigned to right-key response

1                 24                Practice                         Humility words                                          Arrogant words

2                 24                Practice                           Self words                                                Other words

3                 24                Practice                         Self + humility                                           Other + arrogant

4                 40                Test                              Self + humility                                           Other + arrogant

5                 24                Practice                         Humility words                                          Arrogant words

6                 24                Practice                         Self + arrogant                                           Other + humility

7                 40                Test                              Self + arrogant                                           Other + humility

Note: For half the participants the positions of Blocks 1, 3, and 4 are switched with Blocks 5, 6, and 7. The stimulus words used in the


Humility IAT are as follows: self (I, me, my, mine, self); others (they, them, their, it, other); humility (humble, modest, tolerant, down-toearth, respectful, open-minded); arrogant (arrogant, immodest, egotistical, high-and-mighty, closed-minded, conceited).

1Rowatt, W. C., Powers, C., Targhetta, V., Comer, J., Kennedy, S., & LaBouff, J. (2006). Development and initial validation of an implicit measure of humility relative to arrogance. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1(4), 198-211.




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