Random order of stimulus times

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 49, Visits: 123

Hello all.  I have a 4-choice multiple choice task.  The pictures for each of the quadrants are listed in 4 separate item elements (Pic1-Pic4).  I then have 4 picture elements that call the items from these lists, and using two counters, I randomly put each one into a quadrant on the screen using the HPosition and Vposition attributes of the picture elements.  This worked great when all 4 pictures were presented simultaneously.

Now I'm modifying the task so that each picture will be presented sequentially with an audio label, but I don't know how to randomly select the order in which the pictures and sounds will be presented.  Right now, it's coded that stimuli are always presented in the same order, like so:

/ stimulustimes = [1=diamond, line_LF, line_RT, line_Top, line_Bottom;

  500 = Pic_A_pic;

  800 = Label_A_snd;

2000 = Pic_B_pic;

2300 = Label_B_snd;

3500 = Pic_C_pic;

3800 = Label_C_snd;

5000 = Pic_D_pic;

5300 = Label_D_snd;

6500 = point_to_the_letter_snd;

7500 = prompt_snd]

I've tried using counters to use in place of the stimulus times and a counter to randomly select the picture items in the picture element, but neither strategy has worked.  Any suggestions?



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jmwotw - 13 Years Ago
Dave - 13 Years Ago
jmwotw - 13 Years Ago
Dave - 13 Years Ago
jmwotw - 13 Years Ago
                         Note that the example referenced earlier uses the <video>...
Dave - 13 Years Ago
                             My bad. I thought you wanted me to adapt the code for sound elements,...
jmwotw - 13 Years Ago
                                 [quote]What does the ".1" tell Inquisit, and why are they different...
Dave - 13 Years Ago
                                     Darn it...I knew that answer!

Thanks for the...
jmwotw - 13 Years Ago

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