Slider defaultresponse issue

Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)Expert (1.1K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 1


I'm running a long series of questions in which each response is taken via a slider. I'm doing this by repeated calls to the same surveypage.

The issue I'm having is that I'd like every trial to reset the default response back to the middle of the slider, but the defaultresponse option only seems to do this the first time that surveypage is called; thereafter the slider remains in the last position it was in. I'm worried this will create some anchoring effects so I want to reset the slider to 50 after each response is recorded.

Any ideas about how to do this? I'm pasting the relevant code below, if that is helpful.

Thanks in advance!



<survey ratefacesBW>

/pages = [1=intro; 2-51=rateface; 52=endscreen]

/showpagenumbers = false

/showquestionnumbers = false


<surveypage intro>

/caption = "You will see a series of faces.  For each face, please select the point along the scale where you think it belongs.  

Use the pictures at the endpoints as a guide.  When you are finished with each question, press the 'next' key to continue."

/nextlabel = "Continue"

/ showmousecursor = true

/showbackbutton = false

/ nextbuttonposition = (50, 50)


<surveypage rateface>

/ questions = [1=facescale]

/ stimulusframes = [1=face; 1=leftanchor; 1=rightanchor]

/showbackbutton = false

/showmousecursor = true

/caption = "Select point along scale where face belongs."

/nextbuttonposition = (48, 95)


<surveypage endscreen>

/caption = "You have completed this portion of the experiment. Please let the experimenter know that you are finished."  

/showbackbutton = false

/showmousecursor = true

/nextbuttonposition = (50, 50)


<slider facescale>

/range = (1, 100)

/increment = 1

/ showticks = true

/slidersize = (300, 20)

/ size = (60%, 60%)

/position = (30%, 70%)

/defaultresponse = 50



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