I would like to save (or to present on a page) a latency time (mean latency) for the stimulus which follows specific stimulus. For example, in below mentioned script part, I received only latencies for specific stimuli (Animal, food, neutral), but I am interested in reaction time on the stimulus presented after stimulus from “Animal category” . Of course, I could methodically by hand choose those latenciesfrom a dat. file, but I would like to reach result more elegantly with presenting them on a screen (e.g. posinstractional page)Could you please kick my brain in right direction to find the solution?<text Animals>/ items = Animalwords</text><item Animals >/ 1 = " Fox "/ 2 = " Dog "/ 3 = " Cat "/ 4 = " Cat2 "/ 5 = " Cat3 "/ 6 = " Cat4 "/ 7 = " Cat5 "</item><text Food>/ items = Foodwords</text><item Foodwords>/ 1 = " Food1"/ 2 = " Food2"/ 3 = " Food3"/ 4 = " Food4"/ 5 = " Food5"/ 6 = " Food6"/ 7 = " Food7"</item><text Neutral>/ items = Neutralwords</text><item Neutralwords>/ 1 = " Screen "/ 2 = " Mouse "/ 3 = " Pencil "/ 4 = " Bus "/ 5 = " Tree "/ 6 = " Bike "/ 7 = " House "</item><expressions>/tlatencyofAnimal = totalmeanlatency(trial.redcongruentAnimal, trial.bluencongruentAnimal, trial.greenncongruentAnimal, trial.yellowncongruentAnimal)/tlatencyofFood = totalmeanlatency(trial.redcongruentFoodwords, trial.bluencongruentFoodwords, trial.greenncongruentFoodwords, trial.yellowncongruentFoodwords)/tlatencyofneutral = totalmeanlatency(trial.redcongruentneutral, trial.bluencongruentneutral, trial.greenncongruentneutral, trial.yellowncongruentneutral)</expressions>