How to display a stimulus followed by a question with a likert-style response scale

How to display a stimulus followed by a question with a likert-style...
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I am trying to make a survey where an image will be displayed followed by a question with a likert style response scale, followed by another image and then another question with a likert style response scale, and so forth. This will be repeated for 25 different images and 25 different questions. 

Right now, my survey will sometimes show more than 1 image followed by more than 1 question/likert response scale in a row. 

How do I let Inquisit know that I want it to intersperse images and questions so that 1 image is always displayed followed by 1 question/likert response scale and then another image and then a question/likert response scale and so forth?

I've pasted my script below and would be tremendously grateful for any advice!


***************************** Stimuli ********************************


<item targetN> 

/1= "7190.jpg"

/2= "2840.jpg"

/3= "7009.jpg"

/4= "7160.jpg"

/5= "2214.jpg"


High Pleasure 

<item targetHP>

/1= "7502.jpg"

/2= "8420.jpg"

/3= "5460.jpg"

/4= "8370.jpg"

/5= "8502.jpg"


High Threat 

<item targetHT>

/1= "6200.jpg"

/2= "9600.jpg"

/3= "9910.jpg"

/4= "6242.jpg"

/5= "9910.jpg"



<item targetMP>

/1= "1810.jpg"

/2= "2030.jpg"

/3= "2389.jpg"

/4= "2442.jpg"

/5= "4150.jpg"



<item targetMT>

/1= "2715.jpg"

/2= "9472.jpg"

/3= "9417.jpg"

/4= "6000.jpg"

/5= "6610.jpg"


<text textquestions>

/size = (500, 70)

/items = textquestions

/position = (50, 50)

/halign = center

/select = noreplacenorepeat


<item textquestions>

/1 = "At times I think I am no good at all."

/2 = "I take a positive view of myself."

/3 = "All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure."

/4 = "I wish I could have more respect for myself."

/5 = "I certainly feel useless at times."

/6 = "I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on equal plane with others."

/7 = "On the whole, I am satisfied with myself."

/8 = "I feel I do not have much to be proud of."

/9 = "I feel that I have a number of good qualities."

/10 = "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/11= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/12= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/13= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/14="I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/15= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/16= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/17="I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/18= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/19= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/20= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/21= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/22="I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/23= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/24= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."

/25= "I am able to do things as well as most other people."


<shape erasescreen>

/color= (255,255,255)

/size = (100%, 100%)


************************** Experimental Stimuli ************************************

<picture targetN>

/ items = targetN

/ size = (40%, 40%)

/ position = (50,50)

/ select = mycounter1 


<picture targetHP>

/ items = targetHP

/ size = (40%, 40%)

/ position = (50,50)

/ select = mycounter2


<picture targetHT>

/ items = targetHT

/ size = (40%, 40%)

/ position = (50,50)

/ select = mycounter3


<picture targetMP>

/ items = targetMP

/ size = (40%, 40%)

/ position = (50,50)

/ select = mycounter4 


<picture targetMT>

/ items = targetMT

/ size = (40%, 40%)

/ position = (50,50)

/ select = mycounter5


*************************** Picture Trials *********************************

Neutral Trial 

<trial targetN>

/stimulusframes = [1=targetN; 300=erasescreen]

/response = timeout(300)


High Positive Trial 

<trial targetHP>

/stimulusframes = [1=targetHP; 300=erasescreen]

/response = timeout(300)


High Threat Trial

<trial targetHT>

/stimulusframes = [1=targetHT; 300=erasescreen]

/response = timeout(300)


Mild Positive Trial 

<trial targetMP>

/stimulusframes = [1=targetMP; 300=erasescreen]

/response = timeout(300)


Mild Threat Trial 

<trial targetMT>

/stimulusframes = [1=targetMT; 300=erasescreen]

/response = timeout(300)


*************************** Likert **********************************

<likert likert1>

/ anchors = [1= "Highly Threatning"; 2= "2" , 3 = "3" , 4 = "4" , 5 = "5" , 6 = "6" , 7 = "7" , 8 = "8" , 9 = "9" , 10 = "Highly Pleasurable"]

/ numpoints = 10

/ stimulusframes = [1 = textquestions; 10000=erasescreen ]

/ position = (50,90)

/ anchorwidth = 25px

/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 8pt , true)

/ mouse=false

/ numpoints= 10

/ position= (50, 90)


************************** Blocks ***************************************

<block test1>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test2>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test3>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test4>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test5>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test6>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test7>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test8>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test9>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT))]


<block test10>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test11>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test12>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test13>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test14>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test15>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test16>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test17>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test18>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT))]


<block test19>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test20>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test21>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test22>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test23>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test24>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block test25>

/trials = [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (targetN, targetMP , targetMT, targetHP , targetHT)]


<block likert1>

/ trials= [1-1= noreplacenorepeat (likert1)]


********************************** Counter **********************************

<counter mycounter1>

/ select = noreplacenorepeat (1-5)

/ selectionrate = always


<counter mycounter2>

/ select = noreplacenorepeat (1-5)

/ selectionrate = always


<counter mycounter3>

/ select = noreplacenorepeat (1-5)

/ selectionrate = always


<counter mycounter4>

/ select = noreplacenorepeat (1-5)

/ selectionrate = always


<counter mycounter5>

/ select = noreplacenorepeat (1-5)

/ selectionrate = always


************************** Experiment *************************************


/preinstructions = (test)

/blocks = [1=test1; 2=likert1; 1=test2; 3=likert1; 4=test3; 5=likert1; 6= test4; 7=likert1; 8= test5; 9=likert1; 10=test6; 11=likert1; 12=test7 ; 13=likert1; 14= test8; 15=likert1; 16=test9 ; 17= likert1; 18=test10; 19= likert1; 20=test11 ; 21=likert1 ; 22=test12; 23=likert1 ; 22=test13; 23=likert1; 24=test14; 25=likert1; 26=test15; 26=likert1; 27=test16; 28=likert1; 29=test17 ; 30=likert1 ; 31=test18 ; 32=likert1 ; 33=test19; 34=likert1; 35=test20 ; 36=likert1 ; 37=test21; 38=likert1; 39=test22; 40=likert1; 41=test23; 42=likert1; 43= test24; 44=likert1; 45=test25; 46=likert1]

/postinstructions= (end)


************************* Intructions **************************************


/nextlabel= "press the spacebar to proceed"

/lastlabel= "Press the spacebar to proceed"

/nextkey = (" ")

/fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%. false , false , false , false, 5, 0)


<page test>



<page end>



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The /trials definitions in your <block> elements don't make sense. Also note that whatever happens there in one block does not affect anything in any other block.

I'd recommend you first give the tutorials in the Inquisit documentation a(nother) go. That should clarify the basic logic of setting up blocks, trials, etc.

As to your question re. how to run trials and likerts alternatingly:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1,3,5,7,9,11=noreplacenorepeat(triala, trialb, trialc); 2,4,6,8,10,12=mylikert]

See the documentation for the /trials attribute for details.

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Thank you Dave! It works!


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