Greetings from the University of Sydney,I have a timing error with my Inquisit output which I can't solve. The below graphic displays the error: I have recorded (with AD Instruments Powerlab) the comments which are appended by the <port> tag from the Inquisit script. This is the Auditory Oddball task (which can be found on your website), which sends signals that are perfectly evenly spaced @1s each, with each audio presentation.
As you can see, every 17 presentations the timing records a characteristic error (which is a beat of 1001ms and then 1017ms, as you can see on the graph) with only the most occasional other minor errors.
This main error is unrelated to the task changing between presented stimuli - i.e. is unrelated to the trial or block code and is reproducible.
Your thoughts?all the best,JH