Trying to program inversion face task... Pictures on top left and right hand side of the screen being cut off during test and baseline trials Inquisit interface looks very blurry on Macbook Issue with Markers from COM port Superimposing images and varying transparency. Assign groups to condition 1 and 3 only How do I create markers in eye tracking data for survey pages? Presenting picture upside down in inquisit 5 "Covariation" of stimuli and key press accuracy valid response syntax Cyberball ball response delay Issues with intro pictures.htm record gaze data during keyboard input trial Data types? LPT markers during cuedgonogo task Can participants stop between tasks, leave, and come back to the next task later? Randomized triplet image sequence Tobii - modify gaze-data file Problems with german Umlaute ä, ü, ö OSX Reinstall issues