The thread title may seem dramatic, but allow me to explain:
I am running the AOSPAN task on Inquisit Web 4 using the script provided by millisecond. I have been able to collect data from this task in the past 4 weeks, without the following error's that I will describe. I am wondering if anyone has experience dealing with the following errors or may know how to fix them.
The first is the following error that occurred when the participant attempted to download the Inquisit plug-in, but failed:

The second error has resulted in Inquisit crashing during the task. The occurrence is described so as the participant is completing the trial portion of the task in which practicing of the task takes place, when suddenly inquisit freezes to the point that a force close was necessary.
The second occurrence of this error was described in a way that the error message "File not found" was given about half-way through the task, resulting in termination and loss of data.
The third and final impedance seems to be more of technical limitations. A few participants mentioned that they could not complete the task because they could not download the Inquisit plug-in for their MAC device. I'm assuming it is incompatible with the OS..?
I should mention that 2/3 of the responses were successful in that aprticipants were able to complete the Inquisit task. If anyone has any insight as to how to prevent these errors it is well appreciated. Also, if I can get more information that will clarify the problem please let me know.