How to reference a clicked survey response for value calculations...

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I have a survey on which participants respond either by clicking radiobuttons or values from a dropdown menu.

I want to add to certain values I have coded depending on the response for each survey item. I can't seem to figure out how to reference the values that are clicked, whether radiobutton or dropdown, such that Inquisit understands what values I want to correspond to each response.

Please see a sample of the script below, which shows the values I want to update, and the radiobutton and surveypage (including the values I'm trying to update at the ontrialend/ part):





<radiobuttons marital>

/caption = "Marital Status"

/options = ("Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship", 

"Never married & never lived with someone in a marital-like relationship",

"Separated", "Divorced or formerly lived with someone in a marital-like relationship", "Widowed")


<surveypage page1>

/caption = "1. Which of the following best describes your marital status?"

/questions = [1=marital]

/showpagenumbers = false

/showquestionnumbers = false

/ ontrialend = [if(radiobuttons.marital.response == "Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship")

values.networkdiversity = values.networkdiversity + 1;

if(radiobuttons.marital.response = "Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship")

values.numberofpeople = values.numberofpeople + 1]


Could someone please let me know how to do this correctly?



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<radiobuttons marital>
/caption = "Marital Status"
/options = ("Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship",
"Never married & never lived with someone in a marital-like relationship",
"Separated", "Divorced or formerly lived with someone in a marital-like relationship", "Widowed")

<surveypage page1>
/caption = "1. Which of the following best describes your marital status?"
/questions = [1=marital]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ ontrialend = [if(radiobuttons.marital.response == "Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship")
values.networkdiversity = values.networkdiversity + 1;
if(radiobuttons.marital.response == "Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship")
values.numberofpeople = values.numberofpeople + 1]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=page1]

/ columns = [response, values.networkdiversity, values.numberofpeople]

works just fine.

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Hey Dave,

Thanks for your quick response and for pointing out the "==" mistake.

Perhaps I should have included more of my script info. I used the <survey> element to arrange the pages of my survey, and then referenced that as my block in the overall experiment...perhaps that's why there's an issue. I get a separate datafile for the survey output, in addition to the main output from my other blocks. 

so my arrangement is: 

<survey SNI>

/pages=[1=page1; 2=page2; 3=page3; 4=page4; 5=page5; 6=page6; 7=page7; 8=page8; 9=page9; 10=page10; 11=page11; 12=page12]



/blocks = [1 = learning; 2 = empathysurvey; 3 = recognition; 4 = lonelinesssurvey; 5 = fssqsurvey; 6 = sni ]

/postinstructions = (outro)


I included the values in my <data> columns and the columns show up, but the values stay at zero. I believe the issue has to do with the fact that the survey output is being written to a separate data file, which does not include the columns for my values (it is a horizontal arrangement of data with each survey item, latency, and response). Perhaps using the survey element is the issue...

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? Perhaps I should not use the <survey> element but rather the <block> element as you did and arrange them as trials so it all writes to the same datafile and that will solve the issue...I will try that out.



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Yes, the issue is that you cannot customize data output for <survey> elements. You need to use <block> instead.

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That clears things up. Thanks Dave!


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