How to reference a clicked survey response for value calculations...

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 1


I have a survey on which participants respond either by clicking radiobuttons or values from a dropdown menu.

I want to add to certain values I have coded depending on the response for each survey item. I can't seem to figure out how to reference the values that are clicked, whether radiobutton or dropdown, such that Inquisit understands what values I want to correspond to each response.

Please see a sample of the script below, which shows the values I want to update, and the radiobutton and surveypage (including the values I'm trying to update at the ontrialend/ part):





<radiobuttons marital>

/caption = "Marital Status"

/options = ("Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship", 

"Never married & never lived with someone in a marital-like relationship",

"Separated", "Divorced or formerly lived with someone in a marital-like relationship", "Widowed")


<surveypage page1>

/caption = "1. Which of the following best describes your marital status?"

/questions = [1=marital]

/showpagenumbers = false

/showquestionnumbers = false

/ ontrialend = [if(radiobuttons.marital.response == "Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship")

values.networkdiversity = values.networkdiversity + 1;

if(radiobuttons.marital.response = "Currently married & living together, or living with someone in marital-like relationship")

values.numberofpeople = values.numberofpeople + 1]


Could someone please let me know how to do this correctly?




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