pictures and videos in inquisit

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hi guys!
Up until now I have only done text-based IAT, but right now I am trying to program a Task with Pictures and a Video.
I have 600 Pictures (flowers and Spiders) and would like to Display each 2 Pictures simultaneously, side by side, the participant then should choose one of them with either the L or A key. I cannot seem to figure out how to put all the Pictures in Inquisit.

Also I would like to put in a Video before presenting the Stimuli but Inquisit keeps telling me it is unable to open the file (although I saved it as a .wmv file)

Could you help me please? Thanks in advance!!

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Define <picture> elements as needed, and display them via <trial> elements' /stimulustimes - or -frames attributes just like any other stimulus element (e.g. <text>). I recommend working through the picture IAT tutorials included in the Inquisit documentation.

The same applies to videos: Set up a <video> element as needed, display it via <trial>'s /stimulustimes or -frames. With respect to your particular video:

> Inquisit keeps telling me it is unable to open the file (although I saved it as a .wmv file)

It means something is wrong with your video or your system (no appropriate codec to render the file). It is unclear what "saved it as a .wmv file" means -- for example, merely giving a certain file a particular file extension does not necessarily make it such a file. If I save a *.doc file with a *.pdf extension, the Word documentation doesn't suddenly become a PDF.


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