@echo offset INQUISITPATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\sfttray.exe" /launch "Inquisit 4 v"set SCRIPTPATH="\\fs02\huebel$\Dokumente\MASCOT\MASCOT.iqx"set SCRIPTPATH2="\\fs02\huebel$\Dokumente\MASCOT\surveys.iqx"set /p SID=Enter subject ID:set /p GID=Enter group ID:
start "" /wait %INQUISITPATH% %SCRIPTPATH% -s %SID% -g %GID%start /wait iexplore.exe https://www.soscisurvey.de/DUCTUS/start "" /wait %INQUISITPATH% %SCRIPTPATH2% -s %SID% -g %GID%Nearly everything is working fine now, but the Internet Explorer and the second Experiment fire up at the same time.I can't manage that. Any idea how to fix it?That would be great!
I've got one survey on https://www.soscisurvey.de/And I have a programmed experiment with some surveys on a local computer.Is it possible to redirect from the local Inquisit experiment to a web survey?