Where do i find the perseverative error's percentage of WCST in inquisit 4??

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Hello, i'm à swiss psychologist. I'm getting used to work with inquisit 4, to analyse the WCST but I can't seem to find the perseverative error's percentage in inquisit. I can find the perseverative response percentage but for me is not as important as the other.
Do I have to take the number of perseverative errors and calculate myself the percentage?
Can someone tell me exactly what line should I look to analyse my patients perseveratives errors?
Thank you very much,

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hi Melanie,

if your version of the Inquisit WCST script does not compute Perseverative Errors (older versions might not), you probably have to compute them yourself based on the raw data file. A note of caution even if your script version does compute the number of Perseverative Errors: it's probably a good idea to check how  (summary) values are defined in the Inquisit script to make sure they actually measure what you need them to.

For example: as defined in the Inquisit WCST script under section VALUES/DATA
1 =  response is still in compliance with the old rule after a rule switch (and no response bas been made yet that violates the old rule)
0 = anything else
Perseverative Error:
an actual error response when values.PerseverativeResponse = 1

as usual:  we are happy to update/improve our scripts if we learn of new information!

(script writer at Millisecond Software)


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