How to define a response that is recorded but doesnt end a trial?

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Dear Inquisit-experts,

I`m sorry for this rather basic question but I'm new to Inquisit: I have a question regarding the recording of a response key ("v") that is, when pressed during a trial, not supposed to lead to the end of the trial (which is why this kind of response cannot be indexed as /validresponse or /correctresponse in the trial definition). However, this pressed key ("v") is supposed to still be recorded in the data file everything it is pressed during the trial. How can I tell Inquisit to do so?
For any suggestions, thanks a lot in advance!

Best, Maxi

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You specify the response in /validresponse as usual. If you don't want the response to terminate the /trial, select a suitable /responseinterrupt mode in the <trial> element. The default is 'immediate', which is not what you want. You want either 'trial' or 'frames'

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Dear Dave,

great, thank you so much for this super fast reply. I was just wondering if it is also possible that I have one response (space key) that is recorded but does end the trial and the other response ("v") that is just recorded but does not end the trial. I this also possible somehow with this /responseinterupt argument in the trial element? Or do I need something else to specify this?

Best, Maxi

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If you need to allow for and record multiple responses in a single instance of a <trial>, you need a different approach. Specifically, you need to employ some /isvalidresponse trickery. See e.g. and for examples. The trick is to consider the response *invalid* (false), yet store it in a variable (a <values> entry logged to the data file).

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U are awesome!!! Thanks so much!


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