Start presentation of a stimulus (finishlabel) while other stimulus (video) is still presented

Start presentation of a stimulus (finishlabel) while other stimulus...
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In my experiment I present a video as stimulus within a surveypage. I want the finishlabel that stops the video and switches to the next page to not work /appear from the beginning on but only after the first minute of the video. I also tried not using a surveypage but "trial", but I cannot figure out how to do it. Is there any possibility to use "stimulustimes", "responsetimes" or any other do make this work?
I´d be really grateful for a response!

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You should use a <trial>, not a <surveypage>, to do that. Display the video via its /stimulustimes, display a <text> element serving as "next"  button one minute after the start of the video, also via /stimulustimes.

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Thanks for your response...unfortunately it still does not work! I always get the message trial.stimulus1/stimulustimes/stimulus sequence already defined...maybe you´re able to find the reason for this in my script?

<text Weiterlabel>
/ items = ("Weiter")
/ position = (50%, 85%)
/ fontstyle = ("Bell Gothic STD Black", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = black

<video Person1>
/ items = ("XXX")
/ position = (45, 50)
/ playthrough = false
/ size = (1100, 1000)

 <trial Stimulus1>
/stimulusframes = [1 = Person1; 2 = Weiterlabel]
/stimulustimes = [0 = Person1; 60000 = Weiterlabel]
/inputdevice = mouse
/validresponse = (Weiterlabel)

 <block Stimulus1>
/ trials = [1= Stimulus1]

/blocks = [1=Stimulus1]

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 <trial Stimulus1>
/stimulusframes = [1 = Person1; 2 = Weiterlabel]
/stimulustimes = [0 = Person1; 60000 = Weiterlabel]


is wrong. You need to use *either* /stimulusframes *or* /stimulustimes. You cannot use both at the same time. Delete the /stimulusframes attribute.

<trial Stimulus1>
/stimulustimes = [0 = Person1; 60000 = Weiterlabel]

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Great! Thank you! It is working perfectly fine now. Is there any way to keep a possibility to skip this block by a keyboard-input? Right now this is only possible after my "Weiterlabel" appears. (Last question, I promise ;) )

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The standard key combo to skip a block is CTRL+B. I'm not sure why you would want the trial to be skip-able, though. Wasn't forcing participant's to watch the video for a minimum duration the entire point?


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