Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10,
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Thanks for your response...unfortunately it still does not work! I always get the message trial.stimulus1/stimulustimes/stimulus sequence already defined...maybe you´re able to find the reason for this in my script?
<text Weiterlabel> / items = ("Weiter") / position = (50%, 85%) / fontstyle = ("Bell Gothic STD Black", 3%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = black </text>
<video Person1> / items = ("XXX") / position = (45, 50) / playthrough = false / size = (1100, 1000) </video>
<trial Stimulus1> /stimulusframes = [1 = Person1; 2 = Weiterlabel] /stimulustimes = [0 = Person1; 60000 = Weiterlabel] /inputdevice = mouse /validresponse = (Weiterlabel) </trial>
<block Stimulus1> / trials = [1= Stimulus1] </block>
<expt> /blocks = [1=Stimulus1] </expt>