matching-to-sample task - the pictures are not being shown successively

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Posts: 3, Visits: 16
When I run the code, all of the pictures pop up quickly and stay on the screen. I want the to pop up one at a time. The refresh rate on my computer is 60Hz.  I'm assuming there is something wrong with my trials, but I'll include my coding for the pictures and blocks too.

<text fixation>
/items = ("+")
/color = (255, 255, 255)
/txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/erase = false

<picture noisescreen>
/items =("noisescreen.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/valign = center
/halign = center

<picture bascissors1>
/items = ("scissors1.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/valign = center
/halign = center

<picture tiaosnake1>
/items = ("snake1.jpg")
/position = (50, 50)
/valign = center
/halign = center

<trial Scissors1Snake1Scissors2practice>
/pretrialpause = 300
/validresponse = ("b", "a")
/correctresponse = ("a")
/stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 5=bascissors1; 7=noisescreen; 12=tiaosnake1; 14=noisescreen; 20=tiaosnake1]
/posttrialpause = 100

//refresh rate is 60Hz (1 frame = 16.7 ms for 60Hz)
//fixation (1 frame, 16.7 ms); bascissors1 (4 frames, 66.8 ms); noisescreen (2 frames, 33.4 ms); tiaosnake1 (4 frames, 66.8 ms);
//noisescreen (2 frames, 33.4 ms); bascissors1 (i need to figure out how to make this last until they press a button)

<trial Scissors1Snake1Snake2practice>
/pretrialpause = 300
/validresponse = ("a", "b")
/correctresponse = ("b")
/stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 5=bascissors1; 7=noisescreen; 12=tiaosnake1; 14=noisescreen; 20 =bascissors1]
/posttrialpause = 100

<block ABXpractice>
/trials = [1-4= noreplace(Scissors1Snake1Scissors2practice, Scissors1Snake1Snake2practice)]
/bgstim = (fixation)
/errormessage = (errormessage, 300)
/blockfeedback = (latency, correct)

<block ABXtrials>
/preinstructions = (begin)
/trials = [1-2= noreplace(Scissors1Snake1Scissors2practice, Scissors1Snake1Snake2practice)]
/bgstim = (fixation)

Please help me find my mistake!

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