I have a problem with insertstimulusframe - I have different SOA, and one SOA (9 frames) requires the target ("picture.righttarget") to be drawn on the exact same frame (70) the cue ends ("rightsquare_out, rightsquare_in" whereby rightsquare_in is the black interior of a white square ("rightsqaure_out"), like so:
Unfortunately, insertstimulusframe seems to draw the target before the squares, which leads to the target not appearing at all when currentsoa = 9. Is there any way to specify the order several things are drawn during one frame with insertstimulusframes?
My code is
<trial same_late_right>
/ontrialbegin = [trial.same_late_right.insertstimulusframe(picture.righttarget, (61 + values.currentsoa))]
/stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 31=centersquare_out, centersquare_in, leftsquare_out, leftsquare_in,
rightsquare_out, rightsquare_in; 61 = rightsquare_out_bright, rightsquare_in; 70 = rightsquare_out,
rightsquare_in; 91 = centersquare_out_bright, centersquare_in; 100 = centersquare_out, centersquare_in]