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Hi! I am currently administering an online experiment with an italian sample (batch script active below), counterbalanced by groupnumber. Currently the groupnumber is randmly assigned. I need to add to the active script the same experiment but in the english version - i.e. add other <batch> translated. Participants complete a questionnaire & then receive an email with IDnumber (groupnumber being assigned randomly). How can I manage to control the groupnumber assignment according to ITALIAN vs. ENGLISH??? Many thanks
<batch> /subjects = (1 of 6) /groupassignment = groupnumber /file = "informedconsentITA.iqx" /file = "GlobalLocalTask_ITA.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle2.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle1.iqx" /file = "messaggiosegreto.iqx" /file = "ShortRaven_ITA.iqx" /file = "VISUAL WORKING MEMORY 2016 - 4 shapes_ITA.iqx" /file = "MENTAL ROTATION EXP_ITA.iqx" /file = "HackerFINAL_ITA.iqx" /file = "GROUP EMBEDDED FIGURE TEST_2016_ITA.iqx" /file = "debriefingITA.iqx" </batch>
<batch> /subjects = (2 of 6) /groupassignment = groupnumber /file = "informedconsentITA.iqx" /file = "GlobalLocalTask_ITA.iqx" /file = "HackerFINAL_ITA.iqx" /file = "VISUAL WORKING MEMORY 2016 - 4 shapes_ITA.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle2.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle1.iqx" /file = "messaggiosegreto.iqx" /file = "ShortRaven_ITA.iqx" /file = "GROUP EMBEDDED FIGURE TEST_2016_ITA.iqx" /file = "MENTAL ROTATION EXP_ITA.iqx" /file = "debriefingITA.iqx" </batch>
<batch> /subjects = (3 of 6) /groupassignment = groupnumber /file = "informedconsentITA.iqx" /file = "VISUAL WORKING MEMORY 2016 - 4 shapes_ITA.iqx" /file = "GROUP EMBEDDED FIGURE TEST_2016_ITA.iqx" /file = "HackerFINAL_ITA.iqx" /file = "GlobalLocalTask_ITA.iqx" /file = "MENTAL ROTATION EXP_ITA.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle2.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle1.iqx" /file = "messaggiosegreto.iqx" /file = "ShortRaven_ITA.iqx" /file = "debriefingITA.iqx" </batch>
<batch> /subjects = (4 of 6) /groupassignment = groupnumber /file = "informedconsentITA.iqx" /file = "VISUAL WORKING MEMORY 2016 - 4 shapes_ITA.iqx" /file = "GROUP EMBEDDED FIGURE TEST_2016_ITA.iqx" /file = "GlobalLocalTask_ITA.iqx" /file = "ShortRaven_ITA.iqx" /file = "MENTAL ROTATION EXP_ITA.iqx" /file = "HackerFINAL_ITA.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle2.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle1.iqx" /file = "messaggiosegreto.iqx" /file = "debriefingITA.iqx" </batch>
<batch> /subjects = (5 of 6) /groupassignment = groupnumber /file = "informedconsentITA.iqx" /file = "ShortRaven_ITA.iqx" /file = "GROUP EMBEDDED FIGURE TEST_2016_ITA.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle2.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle1.iqx" /file = "messaggiosegreto.iqx" /file = "HackerFINAL_ITA.iqx" /file = "VISUAL WORKING MEMORY 2016 - 4 shapes_ITA.iqx" /file = "GlobalLocalTask_ITA.iqx" /file = "MENTAL ROTATION EXP_ITA.iqx" /file = "debriefingITA.iqx" </batch>
<batch> /subjects = (6 of 6) /groupassignment = groupnumber /file = "informedconsentITA.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle2.iqx" /file = "crucipuzzle1.iqx" /file = "messaggiosegreto.iqx" /file = "GROUP EMBEDDED FIGURE TEST_2016_ITA.iqx" /file = "HackerFINAL_ITA.iqx" /file = "ShortRaven_ITA.iqx" /file = "MENTAL ROTATION EXP_ITA.iqx" /file = "VISUAL WORKING MEMORY 2016 - 4 shapes_ITA.iqx" /file = "GlobalLocalTask_ITA.iqx" /file = "debriefingITA.iqx" </batch>