Implementing a Response Window in Inquisit

Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)Partner Member (712 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 16
     Two quick questions: 

1. Is it possible to implement a response window/deadline within Inquisit? If so, can you provide a code snippet that illustrates how to do so? 

2. Is it possible to prevent the participant from emitting any response on a given trial (e.g., if they press the spacebar then nothing happens - the trial proceeds as normal)?

Thanks for the help!

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
> 1. Is it possible to implement a response window/deadline within Inquisit? If so, can you provide a code snippet that illustrates how to do
> so?

See the documentation for the <trial> element's /timeout, /trialduration and/or /beginresponsetime attributes. Also see the "How to Control Trial Duration and Inter-Trial Intervals" in the documentation's how-to section. A forum search will return numerous sxamples using /timeout and/or  /trialduration.

> 2. Is it possible to prevent the participant from emitting any response on a given trial (e.g., if they press the spacebar then nothing
> happens > - the trial proceeds as normal)?

If you don't want a trial to accept any response you specify

/ validresponse = (0)

You also need to specify either a /timeout or /trialduration for said <trial>, otherwise it would never end.


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