Group: Forum Members
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Visits: 97
In this part of my script, people should see initials (from a list of initials) on the right side of the screen and at the same time the question "How many tokens do you want to give to [initials]?" However, my script now shows the initials in the question that were displayed on the frame before on the right corner. I know the problem lies here:
<text tokensV2> / items = ("How many tokens do you want to give to <% getItem(item.InitialsPlayerB,text.InitialsPlayerB.currentvalue) %>?") / position = (50,45) </text> However, I am not sure what I should put in there to make it work.
Here is the rest of the code in this part:
<text V2Instructions> / items = ("The real game starts now.") / halign = center </text>
<text SpaceToStart> / items = ("Press Space to start") / position = (50,80) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.08%, false, true, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<trial V2StartingExperiment> /stimulusframes = [1= V2Instructions, SpaceToStart] / validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<item InitialsPlayerB> /1 = "D.K." /2 = "E.J." /3 = "A.K." /4 = "L.B." /5 = "M.N." /6 = "F.S." /7 = "J.M." /8 = "K.A." /9 = "R.B." /10 = "S.F." /11 = "J.W." /12 = "T.H." /13 = "A.S." /14 = "T.G." /15 = "E.B." /16 = "S.P." /17 = "R.D." /18 = "E.P." </item>
<text InitialsPlayerB> / items = InitialsPlayerB / select = noreplace / position = (80,10) / font = ("Calibri", -20, 700, 0, 49) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 5%) </text>
<item FlagB> /1 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /2= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /3= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /4= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /5= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /6= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /7= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /8= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /9= "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png" /10 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /11 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /12 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /13 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /14 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /15 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /16 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /17 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" /18 = "stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png" </item>
<picture FlagB> / items = FlagB / position = (80, 20) / size = (90,60) / select =noreplace </picture>
<text tokensV2> / items = ("How many tokens do you want to give to <% getItem(item.InitialsPlayerB,text.InitialsPlayerB.currentvalue) %>?") / position = (50,45) </text>
<trial TokensGivenV2> / stimulusframes = [1=line, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, instruTokens,tokensV2,InitialsPlayerB,FlagB, OwnInitials, OwnFlag] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10) </trial>
<text ScoreSummaryText> /items = ("This is the end of the game. Press space to see your score and a summary of all answers.") / halign = center </text>
<text EndScoreParticipant> /items = ("Your score is>. ~n~n~n~nPress space to continue") / halign = center </text>
<trial ScoreSummary> /stimulusframes = [1= ScoreSummaryText] / validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<trial EndScoreParticipant> /stimulusframes = [1= EndScoreParticipant] / validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<block PrisonersDilemmaV2> / trials = [1 = V2StartingExperiment; 2-19 = TokensGivenV2; 20=ScoreSummary, EndScoreParticipant] </block>