For our experiments, participants first complete several questionnaires, then are presented with 1) a three minute waiting period (i.e., Waiting); 2) instructions for the task (i.e. HypeInstruct); 3) a three minute video stimuli (i.e. HypeVideo); 4) a seven minute recovery period (i.e. Recovery). However, when we run the syntax, Inquisit will transition nicely between the waiting period to the task instructions, then nicely from the task instructions to the task video.... but, after the video is complete, it does not transition into the recovery instructions. Instead, it appears to "freeze" on the end of the video. Any thoughts?
<Block HypeTask>
/trials = [1 = Waiting; 2= HypeInstruct; 3 = HypeVideo, 4 =Recovery]
<surveypage Waiting>
/fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 25pt)
/caption = "Please remain seated during this waitingperiod, instructions will appear shortly"
/showpagenumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (-10%,-10%)
/showquestionnumbers = false
/timeout = 180000
<surveypage HypeInstruct>
/fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 25pt)
/caption = "In this challenge, you will be asked tobreathe in and breathe out at full capacity. The instructions will tell youwhen you should inhale and when you should exhale. Simply breathe in when askedto “inhale,” and breathe out when asked to “exhale” – making each breath in asdeep as possible and each breath out as forceful as possible.
It is important that you follow these instructions as bestas you can, and continue the exercise until you are asked to stop and rest.
If you have any questions, please knock on the table now anda researcher will be with you. Otherwise, once you are ready press‘Begin’."
/nextlabel = "Begin"
/finishlabel = "Begin"
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 85%)
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
<trial HypeVideo>
/stimulustimes = [1=HypeVideo]
/timeout= 0
<Video HypeVideo>
/items = ("Videos/HypeVideo.avi")
/playthrough = true
/size = (1500px,1500px)
/position = (50,50)
<surveypage Recovery>
/fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 25pt)
/caption = "Please remain seated during this waitingperiod, instructions will appear shortly."
/timeout = 420000
/nextbuttonposition = (-10,10)
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false