Hello everyone!
I recently started using Inquisit. I am trying to program an Approach / Avoidance Task. However the issue I have is that even though the AAT mouse versions works properly, I cannot seem to make the joystick version to work.
I would guess some kind of codec or driver is missing, but the weird thing is that I have the same issue on two different computers and with 2 different Inquisit versions.
The Joystick is a Trust QZ 501 Predator (a very old joystick!)
The computers are a HP laptop 6735s, wth Windows XP and Inquisit 4 and a Lenovo ThinkCentre desktop computer and Inquisit 5.
Both computeers seems to recognize the joystick. On the desktop the computer seemengly also automatically downloads drivers for the joystick.
Anyway, in both cases as soon as the default AAT joystick module starts I get stuck at the first stimulus (the first grey rectangle of the practice trial). I can make the rectangle shrink or enlarge pushing or pulling the joystick but I never switch to the following stimulus. It seems like I never reach the pull or push limit. Even clicking any joystick button or moving the joystick left or right does not help.
Sometimes I get to come back to the Inquisit editor and I see the following errors (sorry for the image, I could not find an easier way to record the error).

Any idea on how this could be solved? Otherwise I am also considering using the mouse version, which works properly, but it is true that the joystick version gives a better perception of movement.
Thank you!