Survey with random item order and disqualification question

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 28
Hi, I am very new to Inquisit and trying to program a survey. I am using some demographic questions and then several scales (i.e. lists of questions). I have programmed all my items - most use the "slider" function - but now have 2 major problems that I stumbled upon. I used to work with Qualtrics, where all this would take me half an hour to program, but now am forced to quickly learn Inquisit... 

1) I have a demographic qualification question about race. The question has 7 options but I only want people who self identify as being Black or White to participate (hence want to disqualify those who choose other options and take them to a "thank you for your interest page". I also need those who select either Black or White as their identification to get the survey with wording reflecting their self-identification (I have items designed for each group). 

2) I would like to present the items that make up the scales that I am using in a randomized order. 

How do I do all this? I will be thankful if somebody could send me script(s) of similar studies, tips, and any advice really.

Thank you for your help. 

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