Does anyone know if its possible to change the colour of 50% of the answers displayed in Turner's mental maths task? Am hoping to use a change of colour as a stop signal. Any advice or tips would be appreciated!
Sure. You can change the color of the <text mathanswer> element via /ontrialbegin logic. Set up a list with the two display colors black and red
<list answercolor>
/ items = (black, orangered)
/ poolsize = parameters.maxnr_mathproblems
with as many items as there are math problems per its /poolsize (40 is the default), i.e. here the list will contain 20 x the color black and 20 x the color red.
Then set the text.mathanswer.textcolor to a color sampled from the list /ontrialbegin:
<trial 1digit1digit>
/ ontrialbegin = [
text.mathanswer.textcolor = list.answercolor.nextvalue;
<trial 2digits1digit>
/ ontrialbegin = [
text.mathanswer.textcolor = list.answercolor.nextvalue;
and so forth.
Hi again Dave,
Got the colours working now some follow up questions:
1) Is it possible to randomise the colour presentation across all levels of difficulty at the moment for example all 2digit-1digit answers will be displayed in orange but is there a way to make it so 50% of all presented items regardless of the difficulty level will display in orange and be randomised?
2) In the original task feedback is provided to pts (green O for correct, red X for incorrect) I would like the task to state pts should NOT respond to any answers displayed in colour (i.e. inhibit a spacebar press to 50% of the answers displayed) in doing so correct inhibition should display with a green O but at the moment it still reflects whether the actual answer was correct or not. If it's not possible to set this up what part of the script should I remove to get rid of the feedback all together?
Thank you
> 1) Is it possible to randomise the colour presentation across all levels of difficulty at the moment for example all 2digit-1digit answers will be displayed in orange
> but is there a way to make it so 50% of all presented items regardless of the difficulty level will display in orange and be randomised?
The solution outlined in my original response should do just that. 50% in red, regardless of level. What exactly did you implement instead and how?
> in doing so correct inhibition should display with a green O but at the moment it still reflects whether the actual answer was correct or not.
You should modify the <trial>s' /iscorrectresponse logic accordingly. I.e., the the given trial is a "stop"-trial (response displayed in red color), no response (0) should be taken as the correct response.
> If it's not possible to set this up what part of the script should I remove to get rid of the feedback all together?
If you'd rather suppress feedback entirely, remove the /correctmessage and /erromessage attributes from the <trial> elements.
Thanks have sorted the colour issue.
What exactly should I modify in that logic to say that if they respond correctly to a black answer they are given a green O and if the do not respond to a red answer they are given a green O
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.correctness == 1 && trial.1digit1digit.response == parameters.correctresponsekey) ||
(values.correctness == 2 && trial.1digit1digit.response == 0)]
First you should add a value (cf. the <values> element in the script) and associated logic that indicates whether the given trial is a "stop" trial or not. Then you would change the /iscorrectresponse logic to something along the lines of:
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.isstoptrial==false && values.correctness == 1 && trial.1digit1digit.response == parameters.correctresponsekey) ||
(values.isstoptrial==false && values.correctness == 2 && trial.1digit1digit.response == 0) || (values.isstoptrial==true && trial.1digit1digit.response == 0)]
Perhaps a more complete code example is more useful: In short, I'd probably set up a single list that encodes whether a trial is supposed to be a "stop" trial (true) or not "false".
<list isstoptrial>
/ items = (false, true)
/ poolsize = parameters.maxnr_mathproblems
Then sample an item -- either true or false -- from the list at the start of each trial and store it in a global variable (a <values> entry), set the text color of the math answer accordingly:
/ isstoptrial = false
<trial 1digit1digit>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.isstoptrial = list.isstoptrial.nextvalue;
]/ ontrialbegin = [
if (values.isstoptrial) text.mathanswer.textcolor = orangered else text.mathanswer.textcolor = black;
]/ ontrialbegin = [
values.difficulty = 1;
values.foiladjustment = 1;
if (parameters.runoperation == 1)
values.operation = "+";
else if (parameters.runoperation == 2)
values.operation = "-";
if (values.operation == "-" && values.number1 < values.number2) {
values.helper = values.number1;
values.number1 = values.number2;
values.number2 = values.helper;
values.correctsolution = evaluate(values.mathproblem);
values.correctness = list.correctness.nextvalue;
if (values.correctness == 1)
values.presentedsolution = values.correctsolution;
trial.1digit1digit.insertstimulustime(clearscreen, parameters.mathproblemduration);
trial.1digit1digit.insertstimulustime(text.equal, parameters.mathproblemduration);
trial.1digit1digit.insertstimulustime(text.mathanswer, (parameters.mathproblemduration + parameters.equalsignduration));
/ stimulusframes = [1 = mathproblem]
/ beginresponsetime = parameters.mathproblemduration + parameters.equalsignduration
/ response = timeout(parameters.mathanswerduration)
/ validresponse = (parameters.correctresponsekey, 0)
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.isstoptrial==false && values.correctness == 1 && trial.1digit1digit.response == parameters.correctresponsekey) ||
(values.isstoptrial==false && values.correctness == 2 && trial.1digit1digit.response == 0) ||
(values.isstoptrial==true && trial.1digit1digit.response == 0)] / ontrialend = [
if (trial.1digit1digit.correct)
values.countcorrect += 1;
values.countmathproblems += 1;
values.count_diff1 += 1;
/ correctmessage = (correctfeedback, 500)
/ errormessage = (incorrectfeedback, 500)
/ branch = [
if (trial.1digit1digit.correct)
/ posttrialpause = parameters.iti
The attached modification of the original script has this implemented for all trials and logs the stop-trial variable to the raw data file.