Follow-up question on: How to present texts depending on a previous selection?

Follow-up question on: How to present texts depending on a previous...
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two weeks ago, I posted a question relating to how to present certain information depending on an earlier choice made by participants (see here: Your advice really helped me a lot in solving this problem! Now I am in trouble with a follow-up question on that and I hope that you can help me out, again.

In our study, we want to implement a recall task where participants have to indicate whether they have read a given sentence before or not. The selection of sentences presented in the recall task has to be adapted to the previously presented consumer reviews (see link above). This means that in the recall task one half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should have been indeed presented before (in the consumer reviews). The other half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should be distractors that had not been presented before (taken from a new list). Now, I would like to know how to program this recall task and whether it is possible to combine it with the previously posted code of yours.

I would be really glad about getting another helpful response to my question.


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kevin - Tuesday, December 19, 2017

two weeks ago, I posted a question relating to how to present certain information depending on an earlier choice made by participants (see here: Your advice really helped me a lot in solving this problem! Now I am in trouble with a follow-up question on that and I hope that you can help me out, again.

In our study, we want to implement a recall task where participants have to indicate whether they have read a given sentence before or not. The selection of sentences presented in the recall task has to be adapted to the previously presented consumer reviews (see link above). This means that in the recall task one half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should have been indeed presented before (in the consumer reviews). The other half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should be distractors that had not been presented before (taken from a new list). Now, I would like to know how to program this recall task and whether it is possible to combine it with the previously posted code of yours.

I would be really glad about getting another helpful response to my question.


This is a typical "old / new" task and such tasks have been discussed here before. See e.g. or

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Dave - Tuesday, December 19, 2017
kevin - Tuesday, December 19, 2017

two weeks ago, I posted a question relating to how to present certain information depending on an earlier choice made by participants (see here: Your advice really helped me a lot in solving this problem! Now I am in trouble with a follow-up question on that and I hope that you can help me out, again.

In our study, we want to implement a recall task where participants have to indicate whether they have read a given sentence before or not. The selection of sentences presented in the recall task has to be adapted to the previously presented consumer reviews (see link above). This means that in the recall task one half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should have been indeed presented before (in the consumer reviews). The other half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should be distractors that had not been presented before (taken from a new list). Now, I would like to know how to program this recall task and whether it is possible to combine it with the previously posted code of yours.

I would be really glad about getting another helpful response to my question.


This is a typical "old / new" task and such tasks have been discussed here before. See e.g. or

Hi Dave,

thanks for posting the links. They helped me understand how these "old/new" tasks work in principal. However, I think that there is a difference with regard to my task.

The items that form part of the 'old' list cannot be defined as a list in advance (as in the examples you posted), since they depend on which reviews had been previously presented. This presentation of reviews is in itself randomized, so I don't know which items are 'old' beforehand. Thus I would need a command that says "If review x had been presented, write all sentences of review x in the 'old' list". This command should be repeated for every review. In a second step, I would randomly choose a number of sentences from the 'old' list and an equal number of sentences from the 'new' list. The latter could be defined in advance, because it contains only sentences not presented in any review before.

I hope this is understandable and maybe you could help me out with this issue.

Thanks a lot,

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
kevin - Friday, December 22, 2017
Dave - Tuesday, December 19, 2017
kevin - Tuesday, December 19, 2017

two weeks ago, I posted a question relating to how to present certain information depending on an earlier choice made by participants (see here: Your advice really helped me a lot in solving this problem! Now I am in trouble with a follow-up question on that and I hope that you can help me out, again.

In our study, we want to implement a recall task where participants have to indicate whether they have read a given sentence before or not. The selection of sentences presented in the recall task has to be adapted to the previously presented consumer reviews (see link above). This means that in the recall task one half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should have been indeed presented before (in the consumer reviews). The other half of the sentences (i.e., 24) should be distractors that had not been presented before (taken from a new list). Now, I would like to know how to program this recall task and whether it is possible to combine it with the previously posted code of yours.

I would be really glad about getting another helpful response to my question.


This is a typical "old / new" task and such tasks have been discussed here before. See e.g. or

Hi Dave,

thanks for posting the links. They helped me understand how these "old/new" tasks work in principal. However, I think that there is a difference with regard to my task.

The items that form part of the 'old' list cannot be defined as a list in advance (as in the examples you posted), since they depend on which reviews had been previously presented. This presentation of reviews is in itself randomized, so I don't know which items are 'old' beforehand. Thus I would need a command that says "If review x had been presented, write all sentences of review x in the 'old' list". This command should be repeated for every review. In a second step, I would randomly choose a number of sentences from the 'old' list and an equal number of sentences from the 'new' list. The latter could be defined in advance, because it contains only sentences not presented in any review before.

I hope this is understandable and maybe you could help me out with this issue.

Thanks a lot,

Your items are matched to your reviews ("since they depend on which reviews had been previously presented").

> This presentation of reviews is in itself randomized, so I don't know which items are 'old' beforehand.

There is nothing that prevents you from determinining that at the start of the experiment, just like the examples illustrate. Before you show any reviews, select X at random. Select Y to "not be shown." In other words, you can exactly "know" which items are "old" and "new" in the 2nd part, you can do it all in one fell swoop at the start of the experiment, just as in the examples.

Does that make more sense?

Edited 8 Years Ago by Dave

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