draw a line

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 72, Visits: 408
Hi, Inquisit community
Is it possible to draw a tilted line?
I have noticed that the Shape supports circle, triangle and rectangle shapes.
If not, is there a similar way to approximate to draw a tilted line (maybe a tilted rectangle)?
Thank you for your reply;)
sample3.iqx (233 views, 1.00 KB)
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nakayama - 10/24/2019
Hi, Inquisit community
Is it possible to draw a tilted line?
I have noticed that the Shape supports circle, triangle and rectangle shapes.
If not, is there a similar way to approximate to draw a tilted line (maybe a tilted rectangle)?
Thank you for your reply;)

I also notice triangle can provide a tilted line, is that possible to do by adjusting a triangle?
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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nakayama - 10/24/2019
nakayama - 10/24/2019
Hi, Inquisit community
Is it possible to draw a tilted line?
I have noticed that the Shape supports circle, triangle and rectangle shapes.
If not, is there a similar way to approximate to draw a tilted line (maybe a tilted rectangle)?
Thank you for your reply;)

I also notice triangle can provide a tilted line, is that possible to do by adjusting a triangle?

No, rotating or tilting stimuli (be it <shape>, <picture>, or <text> is not currently possible.

The closest you can get is drawing a triangle and have other objects cover up the parts you don't want, but this seems fiddly:

<shape triangle>
/ shape = triangle
/ color = blue
/ size = (40%, 20%)
/ position = (40%, 50%)

<shape cover1>
/ shape = triangle
/ color = white
/ size = (40%, 20%)
/ position = (40%, 51%)

<shape cover2>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = white
/ size = (20%, 20%)
/ position = (30%, 50%)

<trial example>
/ stimulusframes = [1=triangle, cover1, cover2]
/ validresponse = (57)

63% of original size (was 804x567) - Click to enlarge
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 72, Visits: 408
thank you for your advice. That is a great enlightenment;)

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