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For an experiment I am using the following logic, to display all 5 odors in random order during the 5 different trials. Doing this with text elements also does work, when using this port code, however, only the first odor is presented (so only the first valve [together with the other two valves that that port code opens] is opened). Any idea what I did wrong? Also I was wondering how to add a variable to the data that displays what odor was presented to the participant during a given try? Thank you so much in advance!!
This is the used port code: <item odor_items> / 1 = "01100001" / 2 = "01100010" / 3 = "01100100" / 4 = "01101000" / 5 = "01110000" </item>
<port all_odors> / items = odor_items / port = LPT </port>
<list all_odors> / items = (port.all_odors) </list>
<trial rating> / ontrialbegin = [trial.rating.resetstimulusframes(); trial.rating.insertstimulustime(list.all_odors.nextvalue, 2850)] / stimulustimes = [0=port.air; 0=3; 1000=2; 2000=1; 3000=inhale; 5000=port.air] / timeout = 5000 / pretrialpause = 1000 </trial> (3, 2, 1 and inhale are all text elements, port.air is the same as the port code of item 5 in the item element)
And here the (working) text code: <item odor_items> / 1 = "Fear1" / 2 = "Fear2" / 3 = "Neutral1" / 4 = "Neutral2" / 5 = "Air" </item>
<text all_odors> / items = odor_items / fontstyle = ("Arial", 9%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50, 65) / erase = true(black) </text>
<list all_odors> / items = (text.all_odors) </list>
<trial rating> / ontrialbegin = [trial.rating.resetstimulusframes(); trial.rating.insertstimulustime(list.all_odors.nextvalue, 2850)] / stimulustimes = [0=3; 1000=2; 2000=1; 3000=inhale] / timeout = 5000 / pretrialpause = 1000 </trial> (3, 2, 1 and inhale are all text elements)