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Hi again!
I am having trouble with my n-back task code again. It is nearly complete but I am attempting to randomise the presentation of my survey pages which is proving difficult. The way I have attempted to do this is I have created a <survey thoughtprobes> function which presents each of the survey pages in a random order. However, I need this survey page to be shown after every one of my experimental blocks. To do this I need to be able to randomly select groups of block1 + survey.thoughtprobes, block 2 + survey.thoughprobes, block3 + survey.thoughtprobes, etc in my <experiment> function. Is there an easy way to do this?
So far I have attempted to use a method I found on a 10 year old thread in this forum which uses lists to achieve this like so: <list blockselector> /items = (list.q0b1, list.q0b2, list.q0b3, list.m0b1, list.m0b2, list.m0b3, list.l0b1, list.l0b2, list.l0b3, list.q1b1, list.q1b2, list.q1b3, list.m1b1, list.m1b2, list.m1b3, list.l1b1, list.l1b2, list.l1b3,) /selectionmode = random /replace = false </list> <list q0b1> /items = (block.quick0back1, survey.thoughtprobe) /selectionmode = sequence </list> *** multiple lists for each block type *** <expt> / preinstructions = (intro) / postinstructions = (end) / blocks = [1-2 = list.blockselector; 3-4 = list.blockselector; 5-6 = list.blockselector; 7-8 = list.blockselector; 9-10 = list.blockselector; 11-12 = list.blockselector; 13-14 = list.blockselector; 15-16 = list.blockselector; 17-18 = list.blockselector; 19-20 = list.blockselector; 21-22 = list.blockselector; 23-24 = list.blockselector; 25-26 = list.blockselector; 27-28 = list.blockselector; 29-30 = list.blockselector; 31-32 = list.blockselector; 33-34 = list.blockselector; 35-36 = list.blockselector] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt>
However this does not work. Any ideas on how I can randomly present blocks with the survey at the end? I have included my code and stimuli below if you would like to look at the whole thing. Thank you!