Fixed circle size for picture presentation

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Posts: 8, Visits: 119
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always


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Francis&m - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
Francis&m - 4 Years Ago
Francis&m - 4 Years Ago
                     Just specify the physical size you want directly <picture...
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                         I'm sorry but this is not working since I need to keep the absolut...
Francis&m - 4 Years Ago
                             If you specify the physical size you want in your <picture>...
Dave - 4 Years Ago

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