Maybe there's a general DirectX issue with your EeePC. Can you run DirectX Diagnostics (in Inquisit select Tools -> DirectX Diagnostics...) and post the results here? That might point us in the right direction.
Results are: "Geen problemen gevonden."
Or in Enlish: "no problems are found". Or do you need the list of all the DirectX files?
Wow -- that was kinda quick. Have you run all the tests on the different tabs? There should also be an option to save all test results to a text file. If you can attach this, that might provide some insights.
The quickness was just accidental ;)
Added the test results.
The file says you haven't actually run any tests:
DDraw Test Result: Not run
D3D7 Test Result: Not run
D3D8 Test Result: Not run
D3D9 Test Result: Not run
Can you run these please and then re-post the results? There are controls to run these tests on the 'Display' tab of the DirectX Diagnostics tool.
Also, the graphics driver seems to be a bit outdated:
Driver Date/Size: 12/19/2007
You might want to check if there's a more recent version available from
I installed a new driver, but that did not do anything (or at least, did not have the desired result). I did the other tests too (sorry, really missed that the first time I looked), but everything seemed to go fine.
My apologies for keeping you busy for so long!
Hmm -- all of this looks okay as far as I can tell. I'm really starting to run out of ideas. Are there any other peculiar aspects about your system? Like a dual-monitor setup, special theming software (e.g. WindowBlinds) or something like screen rotation utilities (EeeRotate, etc.)? Maybe some remote administration software like VNC? Anything else that might hook into / interfere with the display system?
Last week I also tried running the experiment on a different computer, and I had exactly the same problem. I re-checked my code and there seems to be nothing wrong there (but I added it for reference, maybe you see something I don't see). Also, the "welcome" experiment from Inquisit does not work either: I cannot open any of the external files like sound-files, pictures or videos.
Oh, this is gonna be awful... Notice somethin'?
<video namevideo1>/ items = ("monkey.mwv")/ playthrough = false/ position = (50%, 50%) </video>
(Hint: Windows Media Video)
That's really odd... I've tried your script and it works fine. Could you maybe upload the movie you are using so we can test it? I used a .avi files which worked, but I don't have a .mwv file. Maybe that's the problem. So you could try to convert the .mwv file into a .avi file. On a side note:In block video2, you should use displayvideo2 instead of displayvideo3. And since it's a dutch script, I would say you would want 'zeer dominant/onderdanig' instead of 'zeUr dominant/onderdanig' in rating 1 through 3 ;) @ Dave:It could be the extension, but a quick google search showed me that .mwv is also a file extension. But yeah, trying a more general used file extension might help... although it's strange that other media files don't work either...