Video will not play

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@Dave: *ahum* quite stupid indeed. File does work now. That still does not explain while the inquisit-welcome file did not work as well.

Make sure you unpack '' to a folder before running the script. Trying to run a script directly from a *.zip file (i.e. without unpacking first) will result in such errors.

Let's hope this solves the mystery about the non-playing media files ;)

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@Dave: *ahum* quite stupid indeed. File does work now. That still does not explain while the inquisit-welcome file did not work as well.

Make sure you unpack '' to a folder before running the script. Trying to run a script directly from a *.zip file (i.e. without unpacking first) will result in such errors.

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@Dave: that still does not explain while the inquisit-welcome file did not work as well.

That is indeed strange. Did you check all the file-extensions in that script?

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@Ivor: yeah, you're right about that, I though I had changed those typo's already, but apparently I hadn't :S

@Dave: *ahum* quite stupid indeed. File does work now. That still does not explain while the inquisit-welcome file did not work as well.


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@ Dave:
It could be the extension, but a quick google search showed me that .mwv is also a file extension. But yeah, trying a more general used file extension might help... although it's strange that other media files don't work either...

It's the file from the 'Overview Demo' Inquisit sample ( -- and that's definitely a *.wmv file, Ivor.

Ah, okay. But it's still possible that she made her own file of course, which could be a .mwv. That's why I asked her to upload her file (if it's indeed a .mwv file) so we can check if it works. Although, changing the file extension to .wmv if it is the monkey.wmv from the Welcome script would help =P

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@ Dave:
It could be the extension, but a quick google search showed me that .mwv is also a file extension. But yeah, trying a more general used file extension might help... although it's strange that other media files don't work either...

It's the file from the 'Overview Demo' Inquisit sample ( -- and that's definitely a *.wmv file, Ivor.

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That's really odd... I've tried your script and it works fine. Could you maybe upload the movie you are using so we can test it? I used a .avi files which worked, but I don't have a .mwv file. Maybe that's the problem. So you could try to convert the .mwv file into a .avi file.

On a side note:
In block video2, you should use displayvideo2 instead of displayvideo3. And since it's a dutch script, I would say you would want 'zeer dominant/onderdanig' instead of 'zeUr dominant/onderdanig' in rating 1 through 3 ;) 

@ Dave:
It could be the extension, but a quick google search showed me that .mwv is also a file extension. But yeah, trying a more general used file extension might help... although it's strange that other media files don't work either...

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Oh, this is gonna be awful... Notice somethin'?

<video namevideo1>
/ items = ("monkey.mwv")
/ playthrough = false
/ position = (50%, 50%)

(Hint: Windows Media Video)


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Last week I also tried running the experiment on a different computer, and I had exactly the same problem. I re-checked my code and there seems to be nothing wrong there (but I added it for reference, maybe you see something I don't see). Also, the "welcome" experiment from Inquisit does not work either: I cannot open any of the external files like sound-files, pictures or videos.


PretestMusicVideosV3.exp (788 views, 3.00 KB)
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Hmm -- all of this looks okay as far as I can tell. I'm really starting to run out of ideas. Are there any other peculiar aspects about your system? Like a dual-monitor setup, special theming software (e.g. WindowBlinds) or something like screen rotation utilities (EeeRotate, etc.)? Maybe some remote administration software like VNC? Anything else that might hook into / interfere with the display system?


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