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Hi all, I'm currently working on creating three different Inquisit scripts to determine the best way to collect the data. The three versions are the same, but only vary in the response style. Quick summary of the task: subjects see one word at a time, are then asked to rate this word, followed by a '!' to indicate the next word is coming etc. So: screen1 = word, screen2 = rating, screen 3 =!, screen=4 word, etc.
Here's a part of the script for each version/the elements used:
Version 1: Yes/No <trial rating> / stimulustimes = [1= rating] / validresponse = ("j", "n") / branch = [trial.word] </trial>
Version 2: Likert 1 - 5 <likert mylikert> /anchors = [1="anchor1
"; 5="anchor5
"] /stimulusframes = [ 1 = likertrating ] /numpoints=5 /position= (50, 65) /anchorwidth=120px /fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / branch = [trial.woord] </likert>
Version 3: Slider 0 - 100 <slidertrial myslider> / stimulusframes=[1=sliderrating] / defaultresponse = "50" / required = true / labels=("label1", "label2") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / position= (50, 65) / buttonlabel = "Continue" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / branch = [trial.word*] </slidertrial>
*trial.word = the "!"
The scripts are working fine, however in version 3 one has to press Continue to proceed, whereas in version 1 and 2 one proceeds automatically after selecting an answer. I need this to be same for all three versions, so either a 'Continue' button for all OR all proceeding automatically after answering.
I've spent quite some time trying different ways, reading the tutorials/this forum, and from what I understand it's not possible to remove the 'Continue' button from version 3/using <slidertrial>. It also does not seem to be possible to add this button to the other 2 versions. Is there another way to do this? Any help would be much appreciated! :)