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I had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear.
Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script?
This is the general setup of these blocks:
<page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page>
<text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text>
<text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text>
<item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item>
<likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert>
<block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block>