Dear Members,
I recently ran into trouble trying to assign multiple elements of a certain index of an item (eg. 5,6,7 and 8) to elements in my trial.
My goal is to get a random number and then present the picture at that (and exactly that) index as well as the 3 following.
To make a many hour story short, selecting an item at an index seems to cause some sort of havoc to the items, making it impossible for me to select the items I need.
I boiled the problem down a bit and my question is the following: Is there any way to access the item at the index on every trial.
<list fragen>
/ poolsize = 4
/ selectionmode = random
/ itemprobabilities = uniform
<item auswahl1>
/ 1 = "1"
/ 2 = "2"
/ 3 = "3"
/ 4 = "4"
<text t1>
/ items = auswahl1
<trial t1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
//alternative 1, was actually a mistake but gives me at least 4 distinct values (however, not same as index)
//text.t1.setitem(item.auswahl1.item((list.Fragen_SuR.nextindex), 1));
//alternative 2, doesn't always even give me 4 distinct values
//text.t1.setitem(item.auswahl1.item(list.Fragen_SuR.nextindex), 1);
//One seemingly doesnt even need the 1, though removing has no effect either
// I tried items.auswahl1.reset(); as well as text.t1.resetselection();, neither seems to help
/ stimulusframes = [1 = t1]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (text.t1)
<block tr>
/ trials = [1-4 = t1]
I hope this question hasn't been asked yet, I, for my part, was unable to find an answer.