Randomizing Limited Radiobutton Options

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 23

I'm new to coding and Inquisit and I'm trying to randomize what options are available for subjects to select using radiobuttons. I have 8 total options, but only want 2 options presented at a time, and for these 2 to always be presented together for that particular subject. I would like to have these pairs randomized so each subject gets a different set of pairs. 

Also, is there a way to block out a radiobutton option after it has been selected once? For example, if subjects are always directed back to the options screen where they can select from the 8 (or 2) different options, could I make it so people aren't able to select their past choices?

Here is what I have so far for anPost New Topicother condition (where subjects can select from all 8 topics at once).

Thank you!

<surveypage q1>
/ questions = [1=q1_rb]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Psychology") surveypage.q1_followup1]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="History") surveypage.q1_followup2]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Folklore") surveypage.q1_followup3]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Physiology") surveypage.q1_followup4]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Chemistry") surveypage.q1_followup5]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Biology") surveypage.q1_followup6]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Sociology") surveypage.q1_followup7]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Nutrition") surveypage.q1_followup8]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false


<radiobuttons q1_rb>
/ options = ("Psychology", "History", "Folklore", "Physiology", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Sociology", "Nutrition")
/order = random

<surveypage q1_followup1>

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