Randomizing Limited Radiobutton Options

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I'm new to coding and Inquisit and I'm trying to randomize what options are available for subjects to select using radiobuttons. I have 8 total options, but only want 2 options presented at a time, and for these 2 to always be presented together for that particular subject. I would like to have these pairs randomized so each subject gets a different set of pairs. 

Also, is there a way to block out a radiobutton option after it has been selected once? For example, if subjects are always directed back to the options screen where they can select from the 8 (or 2) different options, could I make it so people aren't able to select their past choices?

Here is what I have so far for anPost New Topicother condition (where subjects can select from all 8 topics at once).

Thank you!

<surveypage q1>
/ questions = [1=q1_rb]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Psychology") surveypage.q1_followup1]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="History") surveypage.q1_followup2]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Folklore") surveypage.q1_followup3]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Physiology") surveypage.q1_followup4]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Chemistry") surveypage.q1_followup5]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Biology") surveypage.q1_followup6]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Sociology") surveypage.q1_followup7]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Nutrition") surveypage.q1_followup8]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false


<radiobuttons q1_rb>
/ options = ("Psychology", "History", "Folklore", "Physiology", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Sociology", "Nutrition")
/order = random

<surveypage q1_followup1>
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emoe - 2/9/2022

I'm new to coding and Inquisit and I'm trying to randomize what options are available for subjects to select using radiobuttons. I have 8 total options, but only want 2 options presented at a time, and for these 2 to always be presented together for that particular subject. I would like to have these pairs randomized so each subject gets a different set of pairs. 

Also, is there a way to block out a radiobutton option after it has been selected once? For example, if subjects are always directed back to the options screen where they can select from the 8 (or 2) different options, could I make it so people aren't able to select their past choices?

Here is what I have so far for anPost New Topicother condition (where subjects can select from all 8 topics at once).

Thank you!

<surveypage q1>
/ questions = [1=q1_rb]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Psychology") surveypage.q1_followup1]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="History") surveypage.q1_followup2]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Folklore") surveypage.q1_followup3]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Physiology") surveypage.q1_followup4]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Chemistry") surveypage.q1_followup5]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Biology") surveypage.q1_followup6]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Sociology") surveypage.q1_followup7]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Nutrition") surveypage.q1_followup8]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false


<radiobuttons q1_rb>
/ options = ("Psychology", "History", "Folklore", "Physiology", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Sociology", "Nutrition")
/order = random

<surveypage q1_followup1>

As for generating random pairs, you'll need to do something like this.

<list options>
/ items = ("option a", "option b", "option c", "option d", "option e","option f", "option g", "option h")
/ selectionrate = always

/ pair1a = ""
/ pair1b = ""
/ pair2a = ""
/ pair2b = ""
/ pair3a = ""
/ pair3b = ""
/ pair4a = ""
/ pair4b = ""

/ onexptbegin = [
  values.pair1a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair1b = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair2a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair2b = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair3a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair3b = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair4a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair4b = list.options.nextvalue;
/ blocks = [1=examplesurvey]

<survey examplesurvey>
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ pages = [1=pair1page; 2=pair2page; 3= pair3page; 4=pair4page]

<surveypage pair1page>
/ questions = [1=pair1]

<radiobuttons pair1>
/ caption = "Pair 1"
/ options = ("<%values.pair1a%>", "<%values.pair1b%>")

<surveypage pair2page>
/ questions = [1=pair2]

<radiobuttons pair2>
/ caption = "Pair 2"
/ options = ("<%values.pair2a%>", "<%values.pair2b%>")

<surveypage pair3page>
/ questions = [1=pair3]

<radiobuttons pair3>
/ caption = "Pair 3"
/ options = ("<%values.pair3a%>", "<%values.pair3b%>")

<surveypage pair4page>
/ questions = [1=pair4]

<radiobuttons pair4>
/ caption = "Pair 4"
/ options = ("<%values.pair4a%>", "<%values.pair4b%>")

I'm not clear on what exactly you want to do regarding "is there a way to block out a radiobutton option after it has been selected once."
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Dave - 2/9/2022
emoe - 2/9/2022

I'm new to coding and Inquisit and I'm trying to randomize what options are available for subjects to select using radiobuttons. I have 8 total options, but only want 2 options presented at a time, and for these 2 to always be presented together for that particular subject. I would like to have these pairs randomized so each subject gets a different set of pairs. 

Also, is there a way to block out a radiobutton option after it has been selected once? For example, if subjects are always directed back to the options screen where they can select from the 8 (or 2) different options, could I make it so people aren't able to select their past choices?

Here is what I have so far for anPost New Topicother condition (where subjects can select from all 8 topics at once).

Thank you!

<surveypage q1>
/ questions = [1=q1_rb]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Psychology") surveypage.q1_followup1]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="History") surveypage.q1_followup2]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Folklore") surveypage.q1_followup3]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Physiology") surveypage.q1_followup4]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Chemistry") surveypage.q1_followup5]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Biology") surveypage.q1_followup6]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Sociology") surveypage.q1_followup7]
/ branch = [if (radiobuttons.q1_rb.response=="Nutrition") surveypage.q1_followup8]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false


<radiobuttons q1_rb>
/ options = ("Psychology", "History", "Folklore", "Physiology", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Sociology", "Nutrition")
/order = random

<surveypage q1_followup1>

As for generating random pairs, you'll need to do something like this.

<list options>
/ items = ("option a", "option b", "option c", "option d", "option e","option f", "option g", "option h")
/ selectionrate = always

/ pair1a = ""
/ pair1b = ""
/ pair2a = ""
/ pair2b = ""
/ pair3a = ""
/ pair3b = ""
/ pair4a = ""
/ pair4b = ""

/ onexptbegin = [
  values.pair1a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair1b = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair2a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair2b = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair3a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair3b = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair4a = list.options.nextvalue;
  values.pair4b = list.options.nextvalue;
/ blocks = [1=examplesurvey]

<survey examplesurvey>
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ pages = [1=pair1page; 2=pair2page; 3= pair3page; 4=pair4page]

<surveypage pair1page>
/ questions = [1=pair1]

<radiobuttons pair1>
/ caption = "Pair 1"
/ options = ("<%values.pair1a%>", "<%values.pair1b%>")

<surveypage pair2page>
/ questions = [1=pair2]

<radiobuttons pair2>
/ caption = "Pair 2"
/ options = ("<%values.pair2a%>", "<%values.pair2b%>")

<surveypage pair3page>
/ questions = [1=pair3]

<radiobuttons pair3>
/ caption = "Pair 3"
/ options = ("<%values.pair3a%>", "<%values.pair3b%>")

<surveypage pair4page>
/ questions = [1=pair4]

<radiobuttons pair4>
/ caption = "Pair 4"
/ options = ("<%values.pair4a%>", "<%values.pair4b%>")

I'm not clear on what exactly you want to do regarding "is there a way to block out a radiobutton option after it has been selected once."

This is a bit of guesswork, but if you want a previously chosen option to disappear / no longer be available, this is best handled using a standard trial element instead of some radiobuttons/surveypage combination. In a nutshell:

<list options>
/ items = ("option a", "option b", "option c", "option d", "option e","option f", "option g", "option h")
/ selectionrate = always

/ pair1a = ""
/ pair1b = ""

<list pair1responses>

/ onexptbegin = [
    values.pair1a = list.options.nextvalue;
    values.pair1b = list.options.nextvalue;
/ blocks = [1=exampleblock]

<block exampleblock>
/ trials = [1-2=pair1trial]

<trial pair1trial>
/ ontrialend = [
/ stimulusframes = [1=click, pair1a, pair1b]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (pair1a, pair1b)
/ isvalidresponse = [
    list.pair1responses.indexof(trial.pair1trial.response) == -1;
/ branch = [
    if (trial.pair1trial.response == "pair1a") {
        text.pair1a.skip = true;
        return surveypage.pair1a_follow_up;
    } else if (trial.pair1trial.response == "pair1b") {
        text.pair1b.skip = true;
        return surveypage.pair1b_follow_up;

<text click>
/ items = ("Click on one of the below options:")
/ position = (50%, 10%)

<text pair1a>
/ items = ("<%values.pair1a%>")
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<text pair1b>
/ items = ("<%values.pair1b%>")
/ position = (50%, 40%)

<surveypage pair1a_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1a%> go here"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<surveypage pair1b_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1b%> go here"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

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Hi Dave,

Thank you for your help!

It all makes sense except I need to set a custom message per what is chosen for values.pair1a.

A little more background on what I am trying to do: Similar to Jeopardy, I'd like to have people select 1 of 8 topics at a time (History, Psychology, Chemistry, etc.), and then be presented with a short passage to read about that topic. After that, they would be redirected back to the selection page and be prompted to select from the remaining un-read topics.

My problem now is that I am having trouble bringing up the specific topic passage after the person has selected a topic. The <%values.pair1a%> puts the correct topic name into the caption statement of <surveypage pair1a_follow_up>, but I need also need to insert the correct associated passage into this follow up page. I don't know how to assign the specific passage to the randomized pair1a topic/ its follow up page. 

I tried doing something like the code snippet below but it failed.

If Psychology is picked, "Psychology sKDFjasfsalkfjsafkj " prints on the screen.
If it isn't Psychology, "test" prints on the screen.
If I could get something like that to work, a large part of my problem would be solved.

(I added to the caption you initially had below in the follow up)

<surveypage pair1a_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1a%> go here <%values.passage1%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<values passage>
/ branch = [
    if (%values.pair1a% == "Psychology") {
        / passage1 = "Psychology sKDFjasfsalkfjsafkj ";
    } else if (%values.pair1a% != "Psychology") {
   / passage1 = "test";

Please let me know if my question made sense or if you need more clarification.

Thank you again!
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emoe - 2/13/2022
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your help!

It all makes sense except I need to set a custom message per what is chosen for values.pair1a.

A little more background on what I am trying to do: Similar to Jeopardy, I'd like to have people select 1 of 8 topics at a time (History, Psychology, Chemistry, etc.), and then be presented with a short passage to read about that topic. After that, they would be redirected back to the selection page and be prompted to select from the remaining un-read topics.

My problem now is that I am having trouble bringing up the specific topic passage after the person has selected a topic. The <%values.pair1a%> puts the correct topic name into the caption statement of <surveypage pair1a_follow_up>, but I need also need to insert the correct associated passage into this follow up page. I don't know how to assign the specific passage to the randomized pair1a topic/ its follow up page. 

I tried doing something like the code snippet below but it failed.

If Psychology is picked, "Psychology sKDFjasfsalkfjsafkj " prints on the screen.
If it isn't Psychology, "test" prints on the screen.
If I could get something like that to work, a large part of my problem would be solved.

(I added to the caption you initially had below in the follow up)

<surveypage pair1a_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1a%> go here <%values.passage1%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<values passage>
/ branch = [
    if (%values.pair1a% == "Psychology") {
        / passage1 = "Psychology sKDFjasfsalkfjsafkj ";
    } else if (%values.pair1a% != "Psychology") {
   / passage1 = "test";

Please let me know if my question made sense or if you need more clarification.

Thank you again!

I'm sorry, but that syntax makes no sense. You can assign the passages in the same way and at the same moment the pairs are assigned /onexptbegin.

<list options>
/ items = ("option a", "option b", "option c", "option d", "option e","option f", "option g", "option h")
/ selectionrate = always

/ pair1a = ""
/ pair1b = ""
/ pair1apassage = 1
/ pair1bpassage = 1

<list pair1responses>

/ onexptbegin = [
values.pair1a = list.options.nextvalue;
    values.pair1apassage = list.options.currentindex;
values.pair1b = list.options.nextvalue;
    values.pair1bpassage = list.options.currentindex;
/ blocks = [1=exampleblock]

<block exampleblock>
/ trials = [1-2=pair1trial]

<trial pair1trial>
/ ontrialend = [
/ stimulusframes = [1=click, pair1a, pair1b]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (pair1a, pair1b)
/ isvalidresponse = [
list.pair1responses.indexof(trial.pair1trial.response) == -1;
/ branch = [
if (trial.pair1trial.response == "pair1a") {
text.pair1a.skip = true;
return surveypage.pair1a_follow_up;
} else if (trial.pair1trial.response == "pair1b") {
text.pair1b.skip = true;
return surveypage.pair1b_follow_up;

<text click>
/ items = ("Click on one of the below options:")
/ position = (50%, 10%)

<text pair1a>
/ items = ("<%values.pair1a%>")
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<text pair1b>
/ items = ("<%values.pair1b%>")
/ position = (50%, 40%)

<surveypage pair1a_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1a%> go here"
/ subcaption = "<%item.passages.item(values.pair1apassage)%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<surveypage pair1b_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1b%> go here"
/ subcaption = "<%item.passages.item(values.pair1bpassage)%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<item passages>
/ 1 = "Passage pertaining to Option A"
/ 2 = "Passage pertaining to Option B"
/ 3 = "Passage pertaining to Option C"
/ 4 = "Passage pertaining to Option D"
/ 5 = "Passage pertaining to Option E"
/ 6 = "Passage pertaining to Option F"
/ 7 = "Passage pertaining to Option G"
/ 8 = "Passage pertaining to Option H"

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Dave - 2/14/2022
emoe - 2/13/2022
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your help!

It all makes sense except I need to set a custom message per what is chosen for values.pair1a.

A little more background on what I am trying to do: Similar to Jeopardy, I'd like to have people select 1 of 8 topics at a time (History, Psychology, Chemistry, etc.), and then be presented with a short passage to read about that topic. After that, they would be redirected back to the selection page and be prompted to select from the remaining un-read topics.

My problem now is that I am having trouble bringing up the specific topic passage after the person has selected a topic. The <%values.pair1a%> puts the correct topic name into the caption statement of <surveypage pair1a_follow_up>, but I need also need to insert the correct associated passage into this follow up page. I don't know how to assign the specific passage to the randomized pair1a topic/ its follow up page. 

I tried doing something like the code snippet below but it failed.

If Psychology is picked, "Psychology sKDFjasfsalkfjsafkj " prints on the screen.
If it isn't Psychology, "test" prints on the screen.
If I could get something like that to work, a large part of my problem would be solved.

(I added to the caption you initially had below in the follow up)

<surveypage pair1a_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1a%> go here <%values.passage1%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<values passage>
/ branch = [
    if (%values.pair1a% == "Psychology") {
        / passage1 = "Psychology sKDFjasfsalkfjsafkj ";
    } else if (%values.pair1a% != "Psychology") {
   / passage1 = "test";

Please let me know if my question made sense or if you need more clarification.

Thank you again!

I'm sorry, but that syntax makes no sense. You can assign the passages in the same way and at the same moment the pairs are assigned /onexptbegin.

<list options>
/ items = ("option a", "option b", "option c", "option d", "option e","option f", "option g", "option h")
/ selectionrate = always

/ pair1a = ""
/ pair1b = ""
/ pair1apassage = 1
/ pair1bpassage = 1

<list pair1responses>

/ onexptbegin = [
values.pair1a = list.options.nextvalue;
    values.pair1apassage = list.options.currentindex;
values.pair1b = list.options.nextvalue;
    values.pair1bpassage = list.options.currentindex;
/ blocks = [1=exampleblock]

<block exampleblock>
/ trials = [1-2=pair1trial]

<trial pair1trial>
/ ontrialend = [
/ stimulusframes = [1=click, pair1a, pair1b]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (pair1a, pair1b)
/ isvalidresponse = [
list.pair1responses.indexof(trial.pair1trial.response) == -1;
/ branch = [
if (trial.pair1trial.response == "pair1a") {
text.pair1a.skip = true;
return surveypage.pair1a_follow_up;
} else if (trial.pair1trial.response == "pair1b") {
text.pair1b.skip = true;
return surveypage.pair1b_follow_up;

<text click>
/ items = ("Click on one of the below options:")
/ position = (50%, 10%)

<text pair1a>
/ items = ("<%values.pair1a%>")
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<text pair1b>
/ items = ("<%values.pair1b%>")
/ position = (50%, 40%)

<surveypage pair1a_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1a%> go here"
/ subcaption = "<%item.passages.item(values.pair1apassage)%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<surveypage pair1b_follow_up>
/ caption = "Follow-up questions about <%values.pair1b%> go here"
/ subcaption = "<%item.passages.item(values.pair1bpassage)%>"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<item passages>
/ 1 = "Passage pertaining to Option A"
/ 2 = "Passage pertaining to Option B"
/ 3 = "Passage pertaining to Option C"
/ 4 = "Passage pertaining to Option D"
/ 5 = "Passage pertaining to Option E"
/ 6 = "Passage pertaining to Option F"
/ 7 = "Passage pertaining to Option G"
/ 8 = "Passage pertaining to Option H"

Thank yo. This part is now working. I will keep coding.
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Hi again,
Participants are completing 2 of these blocks. If I try run the experiment twice, the second time the block is presented none of the options show up. Is there a way to reset the skips/present the same block twice?

Also, is there a strikeout feature instead of an option disappearing completely off the screen once it has been selected?
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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emoe - 2/22/2022
Hi again,
Participants are completing 2 of these blocks. If I try run the experiment twice, the second time the block is presented none of the options show up. Is there a way to reset the skips/present the same block twice?

Also, is there a strikeout feature instead of an option disappearing completely off the screen once it has been selected?

> the second time the block is presented none of the options show up. Is there a way to reset the skips/present the same block twice?

You need to set the text elements' skip properties back to false again /onblockbegin.

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emoe - 2/22/2022
Hi again,
Participants are completing 2 of these blocks. If I try run the experiment twice, the second time the block is presented none of the options show up. Is there a way to reset the skips/present the same block twice?

Also, is there a strikeout feature instead of an option disappearing completely off the screen once it has been selected?

If there is no strikeout option, is there a way to keep the stimuli on the screen, but after they press on it once they cannot select it again? Like removing it as a valid response? The rationale is that we'd like to have each trial look the same.
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
emoe - 2/22/2022
emoe - 2/22/2022
Hi again,
Participants are completing 2 of these blocks. If I try run the experiment twice, the second time the block is presented none of the options show up. Is there a way to reset the skips/present the same block twice?

Also, is there a strikeout feature instead of an option disappearing completely off the screen once it has been selected?

If there is no strikeout option, is there a way to keep the stimuli on the screen, but after they press on it once they cannot select it again? Like removing it as a valid response? The rationale is that we'd like to have each trial look the same.

The script already does that.

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