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+x+x+xsorry I forgot to attach the photos, they are here   You're executing outdated files on that device, none of these are part of the current setup anymore.  (1) Make sure that you haven't accidentally put the experiment into offline mode on the device, i.e. ensure that the offline box on the "Tests" tab is not checked. (2) If the study is in online mode already, clear the cache. Tap the edit button in the upper left corner on the "Tests" tab. Highlight the experiment's entry in the list. Tap "Delete" and confirm. After that, launch again. Adding a few other issues as I work my way through the scripts. In "midpoint assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx" you have a mistake.  In the /items attribute above, the opening parenthesis is missing. In "posttraining assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx"  the above element is missing its </openended> close tag. Thank you very much for both thes posts and going through our scripts! I am surprised the scripts ran if they had these errors but could have been significant enough to cause problems.
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+x+x+x+xsorry I forgot to attach the photos, they are here   You're executing outdated files on that device, none of these are part of the current setup anymore.  (1) Make sure that you haven't accidentally put the experiment into offline mode on the device, i.e. ensure that the offline box on the "Tests" tab is not checked. (2) If the study is in online mode already, clear the cache. Tap the edit button in the upper left corner on the "Tests" tab. Highlight the experiment's entry in the list. Tap "Delete" and confirm. After that, launch again. Adding a few other issues as I work my way through the scripts. In "midpoint assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx" you have a mistake.  In the /items attribute above, the opening parenthesis is missing. In "posttraining assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx"  the above element is missing its </openended> close tag. Thank you very much for both thes posts and going through our scripts! I am surprised the scripts ran if they had these errors but could have been significant enough to cause problems. Are you able to run through the study okay on your iOS device now? All seemed to be working okay for me, across multiple platforms, except for the errors in the two scripts detailed in the previous post.
Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+x+x+xsorry I forgot to attach the photos, they are here   You're executing outdated files on that device, none of these are part of the current setup anymore.  (1) Make sure that you haven't accidentally put the experiment into offline mode on the device, i.e. ensure that the offline box on the "Tests" tab is not checked. (2) If the study is in online mode already, clear the cache. Tap the edit button in the upper left corner on the "Tests" tab. Highlight the experiment's entry in the list. Tap "Delete" and confirm. After that, launch again. Adding a few other issues as I work my way through the scripts. In "midpoint assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx" you have a mistake.  In the /items attribute above, the opening parenthesis is missing. In "posttraining assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx"  the above element is missing its </openended> close tag. Thank you very much for both thes posts and going through our scripts! I am surprised the scripts ran if they had these errors but could have been significant enough to cause problems. Are you able to run through the study okay on your iOS device now? All seemed to be working okay for me, across multiple platforms, except for the errors in the two scripts detailed in the previous post. We were just trying again and ran into this problem unfortunately at session 3. T  hanks for your continued help!
Group: Administrators
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+x+x+x+x+x+xsorry I forgot to attach the photos, they are here   You're executing outdated files on that device, none of these are part of the current setup anymore.  (1) Make sure that you haven't accidentally put the experiment into offline mode on the device, i.e. ensure that the offline box on the "Tests" tab is not checked. (2) If the study is in online mode already, clear the cache. Tap the edit button in the upper left corner on the "Tests" tab. Highlight the experiment's entry in the list. Tap "Delete" and confirm. After that, launch again. Adding a few other issues as I work my way through the scripts. In "midpoint assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx" you have a mistake.  In the /items attribute above, the opening parenthesis is missing. In "posttraining assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx"  the above element is missing its </openended> close tag. Thank you very much for both thes posts and going through our scripts! I am surprised the scripts ran if they had these errors but could have been significant enough to cause problems. Are you able to run through the study okay on your iOS device now? All seemed to be working okay for me, across multiple platforms, except for the errors in the two scripts detailed in the previous post. We were just trying again and ran into this problem unfortunately at session 3. T  hanks for your continued help!  No such file has been uploaded to the server -- a file called "cbm training session 3 March8.iqx" does not exist there. That's the cause of the error, the study cannot run something it does not have. The file uploaded to the server is called "cbm training session 3 march 4.iqx "
Group: Forum Members
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Thank you Dave! We had the same test subject continue on after I updated this as we thought that would be a good test of how it works if something goes wrong once a participant has already started. He successfully got past this session this time thanks to you figuring out our error, thank you, and then the following session (session 5 batch), but then somehow ended up back at this training session 3 (session 4 batch) after that. Any idea why this would have occurred? He wasn't sent an error message so I assumed it was a typo again in one of my scripts but I can't find any.
Group: Administrators
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+xThank you Dave! We had the same test subject continue on after I updated this as we thought that would be a good test of how it works if something goes wrong once a participant has already started. He successfully got past this session this time thanks to you figuring out our error, thank you, and then the following session (session 5 batch), but then somehow ended up back at this training session 3 (session 4 batch) after that. Any idea why this would have occurred? He wasn't sent an error message so I assumed it was a typo again in one of my scripts but I can't find any. How am I supposed to answer that without the participant's ID?
Group: Administrators
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+x+xThank you Dave! We had the same test subject continue on after I updated this as we thought that would be a good test of how it works if something goes wrong once a participant has already started. He successfully got past this session this time thanks to you figuring out our error, thank you, and then the following session (session 5 batch), but then somehow ended up back at this training session 3 (session 4 batch) after that. Any idea why this would have occurred? He wasn't sent an error message so I assumed it was a typo again in one of my scripts but I can't find any. How am I supposed to answer that without the participant's ID? I'm going to guess the ID was "5". Look at your experiment's logs at please. Participant "5" (in group 2) so far completed sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (midpoint assessment 3-8-22 final.iqx).  And that is where it ends for participant "5" -- there are no further runs under that ID. After that, there are two runs under a different ID, namely "1", which of course has an entirely different session status. ID "1" picks back up at session number 4, which is the "cbm training session 3 March4.iqx" script:  When your participant with ID "5" returns, they'll continue with session number 7, which will be "cbm training session 5 March4.iqx" script.
Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+xThank you Dave! We had the same test subject continue on after I updated this as we thought that would be a good test of how it works if something goes wrong once a participant has already started. He successfully got past this session this time thanks to you figuring out our error, thank you, and then the following session (session 5 batch), but then somehow ended up back at this training session 3 (session 4 batch) after that. Any idea why this would have occurred? He wasn't sent an error message so I assumed it was a typo again in one of my scripts but I can't find any. How am I supposed to answer that without the participant's ID? I'm going to guess the ID was "5". Look at your experiment's logs at please. Participant "5" (in group 2) so far completed sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (midpoint assessment 3-8-22 final.iqx).  And that is where it ends for participant "5" -- there are no further runs under that ID. After that, there are two runs under a different ID, namely "1", which of course has an entirely different session status. ID "1" picks back up at session number 4, which is the "cbm training session 3 March4.iqx" script:  When your participant with ID "5" returns, they'll continue with session number 7, which will be "cbm training session 5 March4.iqx" script. I really apologize, I just noticed that too after your comment - I didn't even realize how great these logs were since I'm new at INquisit Web, sorry to waste your time!
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Hello, We have begun to implement the batch script with participants in our study and have unfortunately run into some issues. We have been needing to manually jump to a different session ID within the script when a participant misses a session within the Inquisit Player. However, when we have the participant click on their same link they are not brought to where they should be chronologically in the script. For example, we had someone do session 6 for us by manually typing that into the test tab of Inquisit Player, with the session ID # as 6. When we sent the same link back to them we hoped that the batch code would bring them to session ID # 7, however, they were brought back to session 1. How can we make sure our batch script picks up on jumping ahead chronologically if this is possible? Please see screenshot of the log from this attached. We have also attached our batch script. Another issue that seems very odd was we have no record of sending our participants (over email) a link with groupid=1234 and instead only see communications where we used "groupid=2" but somehow they ended up completing the wrong condition for the study by using this link (which we can see in the Logs) "" - is that at all possible? We can't figure out how that happened. Thank you very much for any guidance
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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+xHello, We have begun to implement the batch script with participants in our study and have unfortunately run into some issues. We have been needing to manually jump to a different session ID within the script when a participant misses a session within the Inquisit Player. However, when we have the participant click on their same link they are not brought to where they should be chronologically in the script. For example, we had someone do session 6 for us by manually typing that into the test tab of Inquisit Player, with the session ID # as 6. When we sent the same link back to them we hoped that the batch code would bring them to session ID # 7, however, they were brought back to session 1. How can we make sure our batch script picks up on jumping ahead chronologically if this is possible? Please see screenshot of the log from this attached. We have also attached our batch script. Another issue that seems very odd was we have no record of sending our participants (over email) a link with groupid=1234 and instead only see communications where we used "groupid=2" but somehow they ended up completing the wrong condition for the study by using this link (which we can see in the Logs) "" - is that at all possible? We can't figure out how that happened. Thank you very much for any guidance  > For example, we had someone do session 6 for us by manually typing that into the test tab of Inquisit Player, with the session ID # as 6. When we sent the same link back to them we hoped that the batch code would bring them to session ID # 7, however, they were brought back to session 1. How can we make sure our batch script picks up on jumping ahead chronologically if this is possible? Manually entering the session number in the player provides an override, it does not in any way change the session status as tracked by the server. > ""are the default values for subject id and group id you get when you click the launch page link in your account.  So this would have been someone from your team either doing a test run or someone from your team just copy / pasting that link and provding it to somebody else.