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I am developing an experimental task on Inquisit, and one issue that I've noticed is that when the playing the game, the screen "blips" or there is a very brief moment in which the screen goes black between different trial types. This issue occurs even when I have set the stimuli drawn on the screen to be erase = false. For context, here is script for a set of three trials in which this occurs. Any thoughts on how to avoid this error are highly appreciated!
<trial coffeeshop_to_market_choice_chosen> / stimulustimes = [0=picture.background_pic, picture.a1_grey, picture.a2_grey, picture.a3_grey, picture.a4_grey, picture.a5_grey, picture.a12_grey, picture.a7_grey, picture.a8_grey, picture.a9_grey, picture.a10_grey, picture.a11_grey, picture.a6_yellow, picture.sdtt_coffeeshop_nonsocial] / timeout = 200 / branch = [ return trial.coffeeshop_to_market_choice; ] / inputdevice = keyboard / recorddata = true </trial>
<trial coffeeshop_to_market_choice> / stimulustimes = [0=picture.background_pic, picture.a1_grey, picture.a2_grey, picture.a3_grey, picture.a4_grey, picture.a5_grey, picture.a12_grey, picture.a7_grey, picture.a8_grey, picture.a9_grey, picture.a10_grey, picture.a11_grey, picture.a6_black, picture.sdtt_coffeeshop_nonsocial] / validresponse = ("f") / timeout = values.timeout / ontrialbegin = [ values.trialEndTimeNOW = script.elapsedtime; values.trialDurNOW = values.trialEndTimeNOW - values.trialStartTime; values.timeout = values.time_per_choice - values.trialDurNOW; ] / ontrialend = [ values.trialEndTime = script.elapsedtime; values.trialDur = values.trialEndTime - values.trialStartTime; if (trial.coffeeshop_to_market_choice.responsetext == "F") { values.numKeyPresses += 1; } ] / branch = [ if (values.trialDur > values.time_per_choice){ return trial.coffeeshop_to_market; } else { return trial.coffeeshop_to_market_choice_chosen; } ] / inputdevice = keyboard </trial>
<trial coffeeshop_to_market> / ontrialbegin = [if (values.move >= values.max_move) { = + 1}; values.action = "decorate"; values.a6_out = values.a6_out_avg - values.avg_presses + values.numKeyPresses; values.social_influence_points = values.a6_out; values.social_influence_meter = values.social_influence_meter + values.a6_out] / stimulustimes = [0=picture.background_pic, picture.a1_grey, picture.a2_grey, picture.a3_grey, picture.a4_grey, picture.a5_grey, picture.a12_grey, picture.a7_grey, picture.a8_grey, picture.a9_grey, picture.a10_grey, picture.a11_grey, picture.a6_black, text.coffeeshop_to_market_txt] / validresponse = (" ") /branch = [if(values.move < values.max_move) trial.sdtt_market] /branch = [if( >= values.max_day) trial.sdtt_end else trial.sdtt_newday] / inputdevice = keyboard </trial>
Here are the settings I've been using for the pictures: <picture a1_grey> / items = c("a1_grey.png") / position = (50%, 50%) /size = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </picture>