Error messages

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Heidi Umbach Hansen - 4/7/2022

I'm piloting a test battery that I will use in a study soon, and one participant repeatedly gets heaps of error messages. Additionally, since it's 10 tests, I have scripted an expression which tells the participant "Task X of 10", but this same participant is not able to see the actual number (whereas no one else has experienced this). I guess this is all related to the error messages, which I believe has nothing to do with Inquisit per se, but I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction as of what the problem might be. Error messages is attached.



The system at issue is a Windows system. Under Windows, Inquisit embeds the Internet Explorer engine, which is available on practically all Windows systems by default, to render HTML content in scripts. The warning messages are all

WebView Load Error: Failed to set page contents! MSHTML Control/IE Security Options Issue!

for the various HTML files involved in the scripts.

They indicate that rendering the HTML is not working on the given system, because of some Internet Explorer security options setting. I cannot tell you exactly which -- for all I know, IE might just be completely blocked or locked down on this computer if it is, for example, a corporate system. Put simply: Settings on the computer prevent Inquisit from displaying the HTML instruction pages. Since the task number expression is also displayed in HTML (per tasknumber_intro.html), this also explains why the participant cannot see the actual number.

Heidi Umbach Hansen
Heidi Umbach Hansen
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 34, Visits: 195

I'm piloting a test battery that I will use in a study soon, and one participant repeatedly gets heaps of error messages. Additionally, since it's 10 tests, I have scripted an expression which tells the participant "Task X of 10", but this same participant is not able to see the actual number (whereas no one else has experienced this). I guess this is all related to the error messages, which I believe has nothing to do with Inquisit per se, but I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction as of what the problem might be. Error messages is attached.



error_messages_pilot.xlsx (131 views, 9.00 KB)

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