Need Your Helo on Inquisit 6

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Tonycastillo - 6/1/2022
Hello friends. this is my first post here, and this is for a need. Guys, for the last couple of days, whenever I'm trying to install 'Inquisit 6", as soon as the "error opening for writhing" issue is showing. After that, I tried to resolve the issue with the help of this link found after searching on Google. I tried to apply all tricks (except solution 5) but failed to solve the issue. Guys, I want to know can I follow solution no. 5 without any issues?

The issue isn't specific to Inquisit's installer -- I've never seen it and nobody else has ever reported it. It's some WIndows issue which can affect basically any installation file. This isn't a general Windows support forum, so I'm afraid I cannot help you any further here.

That said, as long as the computer is yours, there shouldn't be any problem with changing the file permissions as detailed in solution #5. It won't break anything. If the computer belongs to your employer or the institution you work at, consult with their IT department first.
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Hello friends. this is my first post here, and this is for a need. Guys, for the last couple of days, whenever I'm trying to install 'Inquisit 6", as soon as the "error opening for writhing" issue is showing. After that, I tried to resolve the issue with the help of this link found after searching on Google. I tried to apply all tricks (except solution 5) but failed to solve the issue. Guys, I want to know can I follow solution no. 5 without any issues?

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