Collecting mousewheel responses

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Hi all,

according to the Inquisit 6 help and in line with an old forum post for Inquisit 4, it looks as though Inquisit can only record whether the mousewheel is moved as a response to a trial, but not whether that movement was upwards or down. Just wanted to confirm: is this still the case? If so, is there any way to read a mousewheel movement's direction via code or something in order to set up an / isvalidresponse property? For example, I can treat the mouse cursor position as a "response" (albeit without writing to the trial's response property) using code like:

/ isvalidresponse = [abs(mouse.y - display.screenheight/2) > 100]

Is there anything analogous I could do to read a mousewheel input's direction?

Many thanks!

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AKrishna - 6/9/2022
Hi all,

according to the Inquisit 6 help and in line with an old forum post for Inquisit 4, it looks as though Inquisit can only record whether the mousewheel is moved as a response to a trial, but not whether that movement was upwards or down. Just wanted to confirm: is this still the case? If so, is there any way to read a mousewheel movement's direction via code or something in order to set up an / isvalidresponse property? For example, I can treat the mouse cursor position as a "response" (albeit without writing to the trial's response property) using code like:

/ isvalidresponse = [abs(mouse.y - display.screenheight/2) > 100]

Is there anything analogous I could do to read a mousewheel input's direction?

Many thanks!

> Inquisit can only record whether the mousewheel is moved as a response to a trial, but not whether that movement was upwards or down. Just wanted to confirm: is this still the case?

Yes, that is still the case.

> If so, is there any way to read a mousewheel movement's direction via code or something in order to set up an / isvalidresponse property?

No, there currently is nothing that would reflect the wheel's movement direction.

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