Set up an online experiment includes more than one script in Inquisit Web

Set up an online experiment includes more than one script in Inquisit...
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Hello. How can I set up an online experiment includes more than one script in Inquisit Web? I have imported more than one test from test library and wand to make them be run one by one. However, when I click the launch page, it only shows the scrip in the "Select the start script".

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Coco1231 - 7/19/2022
Hello. How can I set up an online experiment includes more than one script in Inquisit Web? I have imported more than one test from test library and wand to make them be run one by one. However, when I click the launch page, it only shows the scrip in the "Select the start script".

You need to create a batch script in Inquisit Lab (no Inquisit Lab license needed for that) that tells Inquisit Web which scripts to run in which order(s). Then upload the batch script to the existing experiment (where you've already imported the task scripts and other files from the library) and select it as the experiment's start script.

Edited 3 Years Ago by Dave

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