variable names of spss data editor report,d-biep a ,d-biep b ,m1a,m2a,m2b,m1b, d-biep ,PCT 300,PCT...

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I have run a short iat of  word stimuli with inqusit 2,  and I have got the data .I have also used your convenien t spss syntax to merge them . I got the spss data editor report.But I was a little bit confused about the variable names in the first row ,  FOR INSTANCE d-biep a ,d-biep b ,m1a,m2a,m2b,m1b, d-biep ,PCT 300,PCT 400,PCT 10K, AVELTNCY,ERRORPCT,NTRIAL etc.

I may guess

AVELTNCY  means average latency

ERRORPCT means error percent ,

d-biep may be the d score .

But I just guess it is ,I am not quite sure about it ,also not very clear about the true meaning of some of them . And for most of the variable names , I can not  figure out what  they really are, I have no idea . Could some one please help .

I would BE very much appriciated for your kind help


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My lab partner and I have finished running out participants and now we have a large amount of data that we are having a difficult time analyzing.  We are also using the spss data editor and are confused about the labels.  We have the same questions as Alex Ong above.  Thank you in advance for any help you have to offer.

Gonzaga Experimenters

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Here are the variable meanings (taken directly from the script syntax):

   D_biep_a 'good+INSECT association 1st blocka'
 / D_biep_b 'good+INSECT association 2nd blocka'
 / Na '# trials, 1st combined blocks'
 / Nb '# trials, 2nd combined blocks'
 / M1a 'Mn Lat. 1st block, pairing 1'
 / M2a 'Mn Lat. 1st block, pairing 2'
 / M1b 'Mn Lat. 2nd block, pairing 1'
 / M2b 'Mn Lat. 2nd block, pairing 2'
 / ERR1a 'Error %  1st block, pairing 1'
 / ERR2a 'Error %  1st block, pairing 2'
 / ERR1b 'Error %  2nd block, pairing 1'
 / ERR2b 'Error %  2ns block, pairing 2'
 / SUBJECT 'Session ID' .

   ERR_1 'Error % for Pairing 1 (both combined tasks)'
 / ERR_2 'Error % for Pairing 2 (both combined tasks)' .

   D_biep   'good+INSECT association all blocks' .

   PCT_300 '% latencies below 300 ms'
 / PCT_400 '% latencies below 400 ms'
 / PCT_10K '% latencies above 10,000 ms'
 / AVELTNCY 'Overall average latency (ms)'
 / ERRORPCT 'Overall % errors'
 / NTRIALS 'Total # of combined-task trials' .

To clarify, the D_biep_a, D_biep_b, and D_biep scores are the d score that measures the association. D_biep is the overall association calculated from both the first and second blocks of each pairing. The labels are in terms of flowers and insects, which are the categories used in the templates, so you should substitute your own categories here.


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Thank you Very much Sean.  You're comment is very helpful.  We appreciate your help.    ( ^_^)V 

- GonzagaExperimenters

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Hello Sean,

We're sorry but we are still having trouble analyzing our data.  Our SPSS file has D_biep_a and D_biep_b, but according to the script both are for the good+insect association.  Where do we find the information about good+flower?  It seems like there should be a D_biep_a&b for both associations, so two of each.  Also, we are not very certain about which blocks each D value stands for.  By first and second block, do you mean the first pairing practice and test (so block 3 and 5)?  What are we missing here, we have been over our script several times and can't figure it out, could you please help us out?  We can't seem to make sense of our data.  We really appreciate any help you can give us.  Thank you very much.

-Gonzaga Experimenters

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Violating my self-imposed IAT-posting embargo once again, I would like to refer you to this thread:, which I believe covers all your questions. BTW, D is a summary measure (essentially a *difference* score), which of course reflects information about compatible and incompatible pairings -- in fact D represents the difference between these two pairings. So why should there be multiple D-scores for good+insect (incompatible) and good+flower (compatible)?!?


P.S.: And just in case anyone wonders what that odd "biep" suffix is supposed to mean: It's built in error penalty.


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