Dot Probe

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 59

I'm using the Dot Probe task on Inquisit 6. I'd like to add an HTML page at a few points during the task that will ask the user a question. However, being an Inquisit beginner, I would need some advice on how and in which section I can add the HTML page to the script.

Thanks a lot!

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So_Leonie - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
So_Leonie - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
                     Great, it works! Thanks a lot.
So_Leonie - Last Year
So_Leonie - Last Year
                         You'll need to be more specific re. what exactly you did, then I can...
Dave - Last Year
                             I used the codes you provided above, so the script related to the...
So_Leonie - Last Year
                                 You cannot paste code that applies to one script into another,...
Dave - Last Year
                                     So, let's start with the ANT. You say " I want to [...] add a...
Dave - Last Year
                                         Thanks for the information. I now understand that I need to adapt the...
So_Leonie - Last Year
                                             Well, what does "randomly" mean? Based on what?
Dave - Last Year
                                                 Based on nothing in particular. For example, the scale would appear...
So_Leonie - Last Year
                                                     Now we're getting somewhere. Yes, that's possible. First, add a new...
Dave - Last Year
siceta - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
                     thank you so much for your help!
siceta - Last Year

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