Sum of 4 answers as condition to proceed

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Hi everyone,
I am struggling with the following challenge.
I have a survey page with four single textbox-questions where I ask participants to evaluate how much percent of their attention in the trial before was directed to four different categories. So, e.g., 20% to the task before, 70% to something else...
I would like to check that participants can only proceed to the next survey page if the total amount of their shares of thoughts equals 100%. If it doesent, there shall be a warning message and particpiants need to adjust there answerts. My problem is, that I do not know how to implement this check. I need to add all the answers and check, whether the sum of the four answers = 100 percent. If so, the next surverypage should follow, if not participants would be encouraged to adapt their choice of values.
I tried something like the following, but do not know how to proceed:

/ontrialend = [if ((textbox.Seiteabbruch.response) + (textbox.komplettanderegedanken.response)+
(textbox.NBackGedanken.response)+ (textbox.NBackPerformanceGedanken.response)) == 100]

I would be very happy about any help.
This is the code.

<textbox ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... der Wohnungsaufgabe von davor? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

slider ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... die Apartment-Aufgabe von davor nachgedacht?"
/ subcaption = "        "
/ labels = ("0%","10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%","60%", "70%", "80&", "90%","100 %")
/ range = (1%, 100%)
/ slidersize = (50%, 5%)
/required = false
/ showtooltips = false
/ increment = 1

<textbox KomplettAndereGedanken>
/ caption = "... etwas ganz anderem? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<surveypage Gedanken>
/caption ="XYZ."
/ subcaption = "XYZ."
/questions = [1 = ApartmentGedanken, KomplettAndereGedanken, NBackGedanken, NBackPerformanceGedanken]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ errormessage = true(text.error, 3000)

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dokemm - 8/10/2023
Hi everyone,
I am struggling with the following challenge.
I have a survey page with four single textbox-questions where I ask participants to evaluate how much percent of their attention in the trial before was directed to four different categories. So, e.g., 20% to the task before, 70% to something else...
I would like to check that participants can only proceed to the next survey page if the total amount of their shares of thoughts equals 100%. If it doesent, there shall be a warning message and particpiants need to adjust there answerts. My problem is, that I do not know how to implement this check. I need to add all the answers and check, whether the sum of the four answers = 100 percent. If so, the next surverypage should follow, if not participants would be encouraged to adapt their choice of values.
I tried something like the following, but do not know how to proceed:

/ontrialend = [if ((textbox.Seiteabbruch.response) + (textbox.komplettanderegedanken.response)+
(textbox.NBackGedanken.response)+ (textbox.NBackPerformanceGedanken.response)) == 100]

I would be very happy about any help.
This is the code.

<textbox ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... der Wohnungsaufgabe von davor? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

slider ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... die Apartment-Aufgabe von davor nachgedacht?"
/ subcaption = "        "
/ labels = ("0%","10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%","60%", "70%", "80&", "90%","100 %")
/ range = (1%, 100%)
/ slidersize = (50%, 5%)
/required = false
/ showtooltips = false
/ increment = 1

<textbox KomplettAndereGedanken>
/ caption = "... etwas ganz anderem? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<surveypage Gedanken>
/caption ="XYZ."
/ subcaption = "XYZ."
/questions = [1 = ApartmentGedanken, KomplettAndereGedanken, NBackGedanken, NBackPerformanceGedanken]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ errormessage = true(text.error, 3000)

<textbox ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... der Wohnungsaufgabe von davor? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp1
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox KomplettAndereGedanken>
/ caption = "... etwas ganz anderem? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp2
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp3
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackPerformanceGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp4
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<surveypage Gedanken>
/caption ="XYZ."
/ subcaption = "XYZ."
/questions = [1 = ApartmentGedanken, KomplettAndereGedanken, NBackGedanken, NBackPerformanceGedanken]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ ontrialend = [
    values.resp1 = textbox.ApartmentGedanken.response;
    values.resp2 = textbox.KomplettAndereGedanken.response;
    values.resp3 = textbox.NBackGedanken.response;
    values.resp4 = textbox.NBackPerformanceGedanken.response;
/ branch = [
    if (values.resp1 + values.resp2 + values.resp3 + values.resp4 != 100){

/ resp1 = ""
/ resp2 = ""
/ resp3 = ""
/ resp4 = ""

<surveypage tryagain>
/ caption = "The values need to add up to 100. Please try again."
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ branch = [

<surveypage end>
/ caption = "That's it."
/ showpagenumbers = false

<block exampleblock>
/ trials = [1=surveypage.Gedanken; 2=surveypage.end]

New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)New Member (33 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 15
Dave - 8/10/2023
dokemm - 8/10/2023
Hi everyone,
I am struggling with the following challenge.
I have a survey page with four single textbox-questions where I ask participants to evaluate how much percent of their attention in the trial before was directed to four different categories. So, e.g., 20% to the task before, 70% to something else...
I would like to check that participants can only proceed to the next survey page if the total amount of their shares of thoughts equals 100%. If it doesent, there shall be a warning message and particpiants need to adjust there answerts. My problem is, that I do not know how to implement this check. I need to add all the answers and check, whether the sum of the four answers = 100 percent. If so, the next surverypage should follow, if not participants would be encouraged to adapt their choice of values.
I tried something like the following, but do not know how to proceed:

/ontrialend = [if ((textbox.Seiteabbruch.response) + (textbox.komplettanderegedanken.response)+
(textbox.NBackGedanken.response)+ (textbox.NBackPerformanceGedanken.response)) == 100]

I would be very happy about any help.
This is the code.

<textbox ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... der Wohnungsaufgabe von davor? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

slider ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... die Apartment-Aufgabe von davor nachgedacht?"
/ subcaption = "        "
/ labels = ("0%","10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%","60%", "70%", "80&", "90%","100 %")
/ range = (1%, 100%)
/ slidersize = (50%, 5%)
/required = false
/ showtooltips = false
/ increment = 1

<textbox KomplettAndereGedanken>
/ caption = "... etwas ganz anderem? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<surveypage Gedanken>
/caption ="XYZ."
/ subcaption = "XYZ."
/questions = [1 = ApartmentGedanken, KomplettAndereGedanken, NBackGedanken, NBackPerformanceGedanken]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ errormessage = true(text.error, 3000)

<textbox ApartmentGedanken>
/ caption = "... der Wohnungsaufgabe von davor? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp1
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox KomplettAndereGedanken>
/ caption = "... etwas ganz anderem? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp2
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp3
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<textbox NBackPerformanceGedanken>
/ caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)"
/ defaultresponse = values.resp4
/ multiline = false
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 3
/textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%)

<surveypage Gedanken>
/caption ="XYZ."
/ subcaption = "XYZ."
/questions = [1 = ApartmentGedanken, KomplettAndereGedanken, NBackGedanken, NBackPerformanceGedanken]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ ontrialend = [
    values.resp1 = textbox.ApartmentGedanken.response;
    values.resp2 = textbox.KomplettAndereGedanken.response;
    values.resp3 = textbox.NBackGedanken.response;
    values.resp4 = textbox.NBackPerformanceGedanken.response;
/ branch = [
    if (values.resp1 + values.resp2 + values.resp3 + values.resp4 != 100){

/ resp1 = ""
/ resp2 = ""
/ resp3 = ""
/ resp4 = ""

<surveypage tryagain>
/ caption = "The values need to add up to 100. Please try again."
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ branch = [

<surveypage end>
/ caption = "That's it."
/ showpagenumbers = false

<block exampleblock>
/ trials = [1=surveypage.Gedanken; 2=surveypage.end]

Hallo Dave, I am so thankful. It works now. I did not know about the step to transfer the response to the values. Now it all makes sense. Thank you very much.


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