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Hi all, I have a task where every block words, pictures or sounds get presented/played. These stimuli come from lists of 3 conditions (irrelevants, targets and probes). I wondered how I can implement a sound icon (a picture) whilst the sounds are playing? Thank you very much in advance!
STIMULI ********************** WORDS <item wordirrelevants> /1= "Cycle track" /2= "No U-turn" /3= "One way" /4= "Parking" /5= "Pass right" /6= "Roundabout" </item>
<item wordtargets> /1= "No entry" /2= "Turn right" </item>
<item wordprobes> /1= "Stop" /2= "Yield" </item>
<text wordirrelevants> / items = wordirrelevants / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text wordtargets> / items = wordtargets / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text wordprobes> / items = wordprobes / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
SOUNDS <sound soundirrelevants> /items =("cycletrack.mp3","nou-turn.mp3","oneway.mp3","parking.mp3","passright.mp3","roundabout.mp3") /playthrough = true </sound>
<sound soundtargets> /items =("noentry.mp3","turnright.mp3") /playthrough = true </sound>
<sound soundprobes> /items =("stop.mp3","yield.mp3") /playthrough = true </sound> PICTOGRAMS <picture pictirrelevants> /items =("cycletrack.png","nou-turn.png","oneway.png","parking.png","passright.png","roundabout.png") </picture>
<picture picttargets> /items =("noentry.png","turnright.png") </picture>
<picture pictprobes> /items =("stop.png","yield.png") </picture>
<picture soundicon> /items= ("soundicon.jpg") </picture>
****** LISTS OF irrelevants stimuli / target stimuli/ probes stimuli
<list irrelevants> /items = (text.wordirrelevants, sound.soundirrelevants, picture.pictirrelevants) /maxrunsize= 1 </list>
<list targets> /items = (text.wordtargets, sound.soundtargets, picture.picttargets) /maxrunsize= 1 </list>
<list probes> /items = (text.wordprobes, sound.soundprobes,picture.pictprobes) /maxrunsize= 1 </list>
FEEDBACK PRACTICE PHASE <text wrongFB> / items = ("Wrong") / txcolor = red </text>
YES & NO <text yes> / items = ("YES") / txcolor = black /position= (20%,80%) </text>
<text no> / items = ("NO") / txcolor = black /position= (80%,80%) </text>
************************************************* TRIALS <trial irrelevants> / ontrialbegin = [ trial.irrelevants.resetstimulusframes(); trial.irrelevants.insertstimulustime(list.irrelevants.nextvalue, 200); ] /stimulustimes = [200= clearscreen, yes, no] /validresponse = ("s","l") /correctresponse = ("l") // no = l-key </trial>
<trial targets> / ontrialbegin = [ trial.targets.resetstimulusframes(); trial.targets.insertstimulustime(list.targets.nextvalue, 200); ] /stimulustimes = [200= clearscreen, yes, no] /validresponse = ("s","l") /correctresponse = ("s") // yes = s-key </trial>
<trial probes> / ontrialbegin = [ trial.probes.resetstimulusframes(); trial.probes.insertstimulustime(list.probes.nextvalue, 200); ] /stimulustimes = [200= clearscreen, yes, no] /validresponse = ("s","l") /correctresponse = ("l") // no = l-key </trial>