+x Dave - 4/25/2024+x JDYates - 4/25/2024Hi Dave,Hope you're well.Is there a way for the options chosen in a checkbox to feed into the options presented in a dropdown? I want subject's to choose 5 activities from a list of 10 and then rank the 5 they have chosen if there is another way to do it apart from using dropdown that would also be greatany help would be appreciatedthanksJack> Is there a way for the options chosen in a checkbox to feed into the options presented in a dropdown?Yes, that's perfectly possible.<checkboxes activities>/ caption = "Pick 5"/ options = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")/ range = (5,5)</checkboxes><list selectedactivities></list><surveypage a>/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.activities.checked.1) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.1); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.2) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.2); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.3) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.3); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.4) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.4); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.5) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.5); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.6) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.6); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.7) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.7); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.8) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.8); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.9) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.9); }; if (checkboxes.activities.checked.10) { list.selectedactivities.appenditem(checkboxes.activities.option.10); }; ]/ questions = [1=checkboxes.activities]</surveypage><dropdown selectedactivities>/ caption = "These are the 5 you picked"/ options = ("<%list.selectedactivities.item(1)%>", "<%list.selectedactivities.item(2)%>", "<%list.selectedactivities.item(3)%>", "<%list.selectedactivities.item(4)%>", "<%list.selectedactivities.item(5)%>")</dropdown><surveypage b>/ questions = [1=dropdown.selectedactivities]</surveypage><block myblock>/ trials = [1=surveypage.a; 2=surveypage.b]</block>
+x JDYates - 4/25/2024Hi Dave,Hope you're well.Is there a way for the options chosen in a checkbox to feed into the options presented in a dropdown? I want subject's to choose 5 activities from a list of 10 and then rank the 5 they have chosen if there is another way to do it apart from using dropdown that would also be greatany help would be appreciatedthanksJack