Show all possible pairs of 10 items that are responses from a previous question

Show all possible pairs of 10 items that are responses from a previous...
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Posts: 8, Visits: 35

I am having participants enter 10 items to create a list called itemsList.

I want to show all possible pairs of the 10 items and have participants rate on a slider bar (-1 to 1) how correlated they think each pair of items are. I believe there would be 45 pairs total (10 items, order doesn't matter).

So, I want to show 2 items at a time. The 45 pairs should be shown in random order.

Across participants, the item being on the left versus right of the screen (per pair) should be counterbalanced. 

How do I do this? 

Thanks in advance!
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 102K
wmfang - 4/25/2024

I am having participants enter 10 items to create a list called itemsList.

I want to show all possible pairs of the 10 items and have participants rate on a slider bar (-1 to 1) how correlated they think each pair of items are. I believe there would be 45 pairs total (10 items, order doesn't matter).

So, I want to show 2 items at a time. The 45 pairs should be shown in random order.

Across participants, the item being on the left versus right of the screen (per pair) should be counterbalanced. 

How do I do this? 

Thanks in advance!

You need to spell out the pairs in linked lists (this has been discused many, many times before, so you can find plenty of examples via search).

I have no idea what you mean by "[a]cross participants, the item being on the left versus right of the screen (per pair) should be counterbalanced."
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 102K
Dave - 4/25/2024
wmfang - 4/25/2024

I am having participants enter 10 items to create a list called itemsList.

I want to show all possible pairs of the 10 items and have participants rate on a slider bar (-1 to 1) how correlated they think each pair of items are. I believe there would be 45 pairs total (10 items, order doesn't matter).

So, I want to show 2 items at a time. The 45 pairs should be shown in random order.

Across participants, the item being on the left versus right of the screen (per pair) should be counterbalanced. 

How do I do this? 

Thanks in advance!

You need to spell out the pairs in linked lists (this has been discused many, many times before, so you can find plenty of examples via search).

I have no idea what you mean by "[a]cross participants, the item being on the left versus right of the screen (per pair) should be counterbalanced."

Here's a somewhat worked up example.

<list a>
/ items = (1,3,1,5,1,7,1,9,1,

<list b>
/ items = (2,1,4,1,6,1,8,1,10,
/ selectionmode = list.a.currentindex

<item myitems>
/ 1 = "Item 01"
/ 2 = "Item 02"
/ 3 = "Item 03"
/ 4 = "Item 04"
/ 5 = "Item 05"
/ 6 = "Item 06"
/ 7 = "Item 07"
/ 8 = "Item 08"
/ 9 = "Item 09"
/ 10 = "Item 10"

/ a = 0
/ b = 0
/ ax = 0%
/ bx = 0%
/ pairnumber = 0
/ correlation = 0

<text pair_a>
/ items = item.myitems
/ select = values.a
/ hposition =
/ vposition = 40%

<text pair_b>
/ items = item.myitems
/ select = values.b
/ hposition = values.bx
/ vposition = 40%

<text instr>
/ items = ("Indicate how correlated the two items are.")
/ position = (50%, 10%)
/ erase = false

<text and>
/ items = ("and")
/ hposition = 50%
/ vposition = 40%

<slider correlation>
/ range = (-100, 100)
/ showticks = false
/ showtooltips = false
/ labels = ("-1.00", "-0.75" "-0.50", "-0.25", "0.00", "+0.25", "+0.5", "+0.75", "+1.00")
/ slidersize = (70%, 20%)
/ position = (15%, 60%)

<surveypage mypage>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.a = list.a.nextvalue;
    values.b = list.b.nextvalue;
    values.pairnumber = list.a.currentindex;
/ ontrialend = [
    values.correlation = slider.correlation.response/100;
/ stimulusframes = [1=text.pair_a, text.pair_b, and, instr]
/ questions = [1=slider.correlation]
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-45 = surveypage.mypage]

<expt aleft>
/ onexptbegin = [ = 30%;
    values.bx = 70%;
/ blocks = [1=block.myblock]
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber

<expt bleft>
/ onexptbegin = [ = 70%;
    values.bx = 30%;
/ blocks = [1=block.myblock]
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber

/ columns = (date time subject group blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode response latency correct
    text.pair_a.currentitem text.pair_b.currentitem values.pairnumber values.correlation)
/ separatefiles = true

Edited 6 Months Ago by Dave

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