Downloaded tests disappearing (Android)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 110, Visits: 369
Dear all,

I'm coordinating a couple of studies that use tablets in classroom surveys (25-30 kids at once). These surveys are conducted in schools where the WiFi isn't always 100% reliable, so we download the scripts to the tablets in advance. However, recently some of the researchers "on the ground" for these surveys have told me that downloaded scripts appear to be disappearing from the tablets at random, sometimes overnight.

- before the survey, each tablet is connected to the internet and the link to the Inquisit Web app is opened (internal names WLLP_Prodi_TL and WLLP_Prodi_NoTL)
- the survey is cancelled straight away (using the z-swipe method)
- the InquisitWebPlayer app is opened and a checkmark is placed next to the appropriate script under "Tests"
- often, the checkmark is initially displayed as a square (presumably indicating running downloads)
- once the checkmark is displaying properly, the tablets are disconnected from the internet (flight mode)
- (optionally) the script is started once more to test functionality; generally, this involves quitting after a few trials

I will note for completeness that the "checkmark-as-square" phase sometimes ends with the box simply turning empty again; however, checking it again generally reinitiates the download and the process completes successfully.

After these steps, the script appears to be working fine. However, in some (but not all) cases, the checkmarks disappear after a while (e.g., overnight). Is there any known possible cause for this and, more importantly, something we can do to stop it? Unfortunately, I'm not myself present at the testing site, so getting more detailed testing feedback may take a little time if more information is required.

Thanks for any assistance!


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